This poems does soemthing to me, it captures the inexorable flux of time, young to old, energy to lethargy, not thinking to evaluating.
I think it is a beautiful poem, sincere and sad.

hello back again to mooch around a bit

Hello it's faithless here. although i think that particular name is dead now. so i'll use this one. good to see the old place still running. same old faces but it appears to be a whole new ballgame.

nice to see the back of all the "nonsense". i'll get around to putting some new work up this week.

and i'll definitely try not to annoy, harass or in any way impinge.

thank you.

m xxx

Nobel Peace Prize Nominee Sentenced To Death

Earlier this week a US judge signed a death warrant for the execution in San Quentin prison, California, of five times Nobel Peace Prize nominee, Stanley Williams. The 51 year old was a co-founder of the 'Crips', a notorious Los Angeles gang. He was convicted of the murders of four people in 1979, though he apparently reformed in recent years and was an advocate of 'peace'.

That obviously cut no ice with the US judge!

That just leaves about 2000 more to 'fix' in LA!

Dried Peas ...

i (and certain of my friends) ... are getting to a particular sort of age ...

the age where the eggs are rolling down the tubes like dried peas ... everything is on the turn ... it is the autumn of our fertility ...

lawks ...

let's pray to god we don't get one of those dried peas accidentally fertilised ... tho of course hitting this age means that nobody actually wants to breed with us so we will probably be ok ...

so here is a thread lamenting the passing of the juicy days ...

i raise a toast to my wizened old oves ... *hic*

What to do?

What must the free world do about Iran?

Something Excellent For Sunday Night

The Last No: 38 Routemaster bus
The Old Red Lion Pub. Islington

Come along on Sunday 30th of October to celebrate the last day of the No. 38 Routemaster Bus, which has trundles pass this pub since anyone can remember!! Special event to the mark the occasion in the planning include:

Poetry from John Hegley and Luke Wright & Chris Hicks(from Aisle16)

DJ Daryl 'Magic Bus' Easlea

Free Admission - Starts in the bar @ 8.30



A final warning

A final warning has been issued to ritawrites for filling up the forums with nonsense.

Please be advised that this is not behaviour we will tolerate from anyone.
