The Columbus Crocodile

Made me smile - such a pity that the secret of peanut butter died with the Queen and wasn't invented again until the 1880's - probably why the croc was so upset at her passing :o)

The wailing wall


How disappointed was I to discover the wall doesn't actually wail. Going to the dead sea on Friday...and apparently there are bacterial life forms living in it. Have I been conned?

The cattle better be lowing when I get to Bethlehem or I'm going to Ibiza next year.

Only joking - its fab here. Miss y'all.


Sensing by camus

So much poetry here and elsewhere goes over this ground - and most of it is, frankly, pretty poor.

That's why when a good one comes along it should be applauded to the skies:

This is not easy and others should take note!

pointless statistics

The american amazon site ( now provides a series of pointless statistics about books. Just look at a books page, if they have analysed it there will be a list of SIPS (statistically improbable phrases) at the top and a "Concordance" and "Text Stats" links under the "Inside This Book" section.

Guardian Poetry Workshop....

.... the results have just been brought to my attention. Is that Fish I see? If it's not, it's a lady of the similar name who writes of surprisingly similar themes....



Who's young? Does anyone say reccy anymore? As in, he took a reccy. (That is reccy as in reconnaissance, in case it really is old hat. That is old hat, as in old fashioned...)

Where's John?

Where's John? Haven't heard from him on the forums in ages.

Hurricane Katrina

Catriona and The Waves.

Leaving Louisiana in the Broad Daylight

Biloxi Blues.

Any thoughts?

I've written a few poems (posted int he last few days) and just wanted to know what people think of them. All comments are helpful for future writing.
