
*Waves at everyone*


Smell by patrick_allard

I lke this very much. It's a wonderful - and disgusting - idea:


sytlistically it just meanders at the beginning a bit too much - but then again, it does have a good pace and maybe it's just right. Thoughts?

If you had to save just one piece of writing on ABCtales from a monster that was eating all the stories and poems in the world..

...Which piece of writing would you choose?

It's a big monster, as big as at least 20 double decker buses, all slimey and lothesome and it's making it's way across the world devouring anything that has been written down, printed, typed or otherwise shaped into words that can be read.

Slowly it's slobbering it's way through all of the libraries, all of the books shops and bookshelves, all of the archive, even through the gentlemen's periodicals stashed under beds and behind paint cans in sheds the world over.

What do you do to tell yourself it's time to write?


Most writing tips start at the point at which you pick up a pen.

My question is: How do you convince yourself that now is the time to write? Writing tips are all well and good if you can actually get sat down and started.

Does anyone have any good techniques to get to that situation?

Does it involve timetables? Does it involve coffee? A brisk walk? A room of one's own?

Just how do you get your time to write and just how do you make sure you use it for writing?


Having surveyed the paper and seen that Sri Lanka, Afghanistan and Cuba have offered aid, I think what the fuck is going on? The only city I would ever visit (If I would fly) would be New Orleans is; in every way gone. Bummer! 250.000 to Texas about the same to Arkansas many saying that they will never return. This is Biblical stuff. I see on another thread about Fats Dominoe, thankfully he's safe, but what about The Meters? Surely one of the great funk bands of all time. Is Joseph Modeliste OK?

Has anybody heard of...

Whitmore Publishing, a company based in Pittsburgh? I stumbled across their website and they seem to be a little too good to be true. has anybody had any dealings with them?

The best book in the world that only you've read...

Here's a little question for you:

What is the best book in the world that only you seem to have read?

You know the situation: You're having a discussion about books and everyone is reeling off stuff they really like, to appreciative 'nods' and 'hmmms' from those assembled. You manage to elbow your way to the forefront of the conversation, take centre stage, announce the name and author of a persoanl favourite of yours and then...

Nothing. Silence. For agonising seconds before someone picks up the baton and gets the conversation moving again.


Did anyone watch the progamme on Channel 4 the other night on Islam and its history? How up to about 60 years ago it was extremely tolerant of other religions women did not have to wear the hijab etc.. That is a very modern construct by the way. Also that suicide in Islam is viewed very much as in Catholicism, it's a crime. Then along came the Brits and the Yanks and threw money at them for their oil. Oh dear I can almost hear RD rattling his colonial pram as I write.
