Write / Don't Write


An opinionated and wrongheaded article appears in today's Guardian, attacking both aspiring authors and respected children's author GP Taylor. Just who does this columnist think he is? What an arrogant fool.

What do you guys think?

Dubya Joins Greenpeace.

There that got your attention.

Affair - Drew

Eeek. That was interesting, so I read it twice.

How does it work? Of course unfaithfulness goes on all the time, under the guise of 'open relationship' or otherwise. I'm not a particularly jealous person but the thought of my girlfriend 'being imapled by someone else' (to shamelessly quote myself) is unappealing to say the least. It gives me a feeling in the stomach that nothing else can.

Owen Money

well I know it's football but so what? If you don't like it then read something else.

MICHAEL (Even shorter in real life) Owen should be donning his red shirt any day now but something in the background of my Anfield dreams says he won't.

The Random Story button

I love using this - and find some great pieces from years gone by.

Do have a spin around with it - and please flag up the really good ones you find so that we can all enjoy them again.

Just copy and paste the url from the top and put it into here - the site will automatically make it into a link.

Jack Cade - Harriet just...

Very effective moment capturing from Jack. Leaves the smell of the illustrious Harriet lingering in me nostrils...

I imagine she is beautiful.



Enzo: Untitled Self Indulgence

Love it, loved it, loving it. Read it.

" I'm valid."

That speaks for itself.

Aaaahhhhhhhhh! Free Scanner downloads.

I'm not posting on the help site as I've never had a response. But this is a general computer problem. As a complete doofus with computers I don't understand since my move from Oxford why my computer will not recognise the scanner. I've mislaid the download disc. I've just been told that I can download software for free on the internet. Can I buggeree! I've logged on to Google and Ask Jeeves, but it's generally, 'yes you can view this for free before you decide to buy.' Help! I've got a ton of stuff to scan to put on abctales. From Fatalkyda.

Pat Robertson.

Do you think the time has come to take out Pat Robertson, the loopy televangelist. Killing Robertson would be a whole lot cheaper than going to war. We have the ability to take him out, and I think the time has come to exercise that ability. I paraphrase somewhat. Donald Bumsfelt the secretary of defence said "Our dept. doesn't do that kind of thing. It's against the law." Pah! So is blowing to smithereens an estimated 80,000 innocent civilians in Iraq. From yours truly, Osama bin Bommin' Phatalkyda.
