Will anybody please give me feedback on my stories? Football Daze is my first one!

C4's Yasmine

Really hammered home how difficult it can be to be precieved as a muslim in certain parts of the UK. There is no doubt that recent events have polarised Muslims even more and can only lead to further stress and internal divisions.
Strange that when it was the IRA everyone didn't blame Christianity and let's face it Bush's Christianity has killed many, many, times more civilians than Islam's terrorists... So, life is important, but it's value seems to diminish with the square of distance from where we live and what caused the death?

Who's Online

Do you like our latest feature? I'm just gobsmacked at the number of guests online at any one time. Is it accurate? I don't know - still stuck on the sofa at home.

They Think I'm A Hat by Enzo

Very clever, Ben! poking fun at the little prince! I surely see him as a prophet: The important is invisible to the eyes, his message.
Taming someone else always carries a risk. And you should not have tackled the elephant. He was ok in his box. What genes?

Alice Oswald - Dart

Anyone read it? It's great.

It follows the river dart, weaving in all the different voices of people who live/work on the river. It's based on real interviews and, at the side of the page, it tells you who's voice/interview is influencing the poem. It feels very original.


Larry & Mick Share an Apple - by... me! (i.e. Pepsoid)

I've just posted my first tale here - a silly little bit of nonsense called "Larry & Mick Share an Apple" - it's very serious and poignant and will take you many hours to read, as you can see!

All comments appreciated...
