Bird's Eye.

Bird's Eye: I've always thought that a strange name for a food company. Snot really a mouth watering prospect.

Deep Thought?

With Harvard reputedly to receive $1,000,000 a year, for the next several years, to study how life emerged on Earth - will our children laugh at the thought that we were ever naive enough to believe Darwin's theory of evolution?

Deleting a site.

I've just moved all my stuff from my fatalky site to my styxbroox site. How do I close the fatalky site?

I wish they'd tell you...

when the air sea rescue were just practising. I was just on my way to bed when I heard the helicopter. You can't miss it, it's v.v. loud. Anyway - it's probably just on a training run or something, but it's gone midnight and there's no wind and it's sweeping the marina arm. So it's unlikely to be a boat in trouble and if it's not a training exercise then it's most likely that some poor sod has fallen or thrown themselves in - if it were a saturday night I'd opt for fallen in. Anyway - until it stops buzzing around, it feels cavalier just to tuck up in bed and ignore it.

would you like to be ...

... famous?

if so for what and why ...

if not why not?
