The Rhode Incident - Ch 5

It was 5am the next morning when Eamon was still half-asleep. He unfortunately didn't get much sleep the night before on account of some nightmares...

I'm gonna disappear (up my own arse or to bed probably by 10) IP

I'm gonna disappear. Me and my hairline are gonna blow this popsicle stand cos that's what we used to do. I think that's what we used to do. There's...

Beyond all hope

Beyond all hope there is still love. If the stars that shine bright above started to vanish, one by one, my love for them would still go on. And if...

The Replacement Wife (part two - Madeleine - III.)

III. I heard Flynn’s key in the front door and scrambled for the remote switching off the TV and yanking up the venetian blinds. The sun flooded back...

Why did he say … he is the Light? (1)

Jesus said, ‘I am the Light of the world’ – when the blinds on your vision are furled that Light can enlighten perception and puzzles – and points to...


Beer & Chips

The Low Down

22D. The low down-down below and above the pavements of a city that goes as you sit on the bus, at night asleep with the moirai's in...

Traveller, take care (Narrative fantasy poem)

Traveller, take care try some other road instead; traveller beware, for grave danger lies ahead; a horrid monsters lair and the monsters not been fed...

The Time of Our Lives

Time. We think there's so much of it, we often just let the hours, days and years sneak past right under our noses, and won't realise we've...

The Anointing

A whisper of a breeze wafts the muslin drapes..
