Cinderella's a Northern Lass
By 84cath
- 1140 reads
Once upon a time a pretty lass worked reit ’ard doing’t pots,
An’ cleanin’ winders, ’floors an’t walls.
But’unlucky lass ’ad thee ’ots
For a northern lad who’d ’ad a few brawls
Down t’pub wi’ local greasy, grimy grots.
Then one night when it wer’ reit bitter outside,
She wer’ visited by an old gal who gave her summat to wear,
Summat to ride in, an’ a bow for ‘er hair.
She wer’ told she could go t’ball.
And dance ‘til it got t’ twelve in’t town hall.
So’t lass went’out fer’t night.
Wi’t lad from’t pub down’t road.
She wer’ pretty and bright a reit nice sight;
She certainly wan’t no toad.
An’ ‘ad a bit ova dance under’t ballroom light,
An’ as it struck twelve, an’ on went big light, out she strode,
Dancing and prancing an’ fulla laughter;
An’ ran reit quick; fer’t bus left soon after.
But later, she werra bit gutted to discover,
She’d left ’er shoe lying in’t gutter.
Lucky fer ‘er, are lad went after
And ‘t next day tracked her down in ’er kitchen.
Returning ’er shoe like e’d hafta.
Lass tried on’t shoe she’d ended up ditchin’.
‘e were so chuffed he could’a hung from’t rafter
They fell in love and ended up hitchin’.
Some said it wa’ happily ever after.
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I enjoyed this :) I have
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Always nice to see someone
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Agree with pesky about
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84cath. Are you from Wigan,
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