Oh the shame!

By Deliberately Evolving
Tue, 15 Sep 2015
- 4565 reads
I wake head pounding, dizzy,
the room swirling.
Opening my eyes - tricky,
bloodshot and puffy.
Feel like being sick,
I'm giving up drink.
This is gross...
I can taste rank vodka
and I stink!
Perhaps that last glass
was a mistake, or maybe
it was the last two,
how many was it exactly?
What was that terribly
amusing thing I did
With the glass and that blokes ring?
Everyone was laughing
So it must have been funny
What was it I sent?...
A picture of something
Oh - my pants. I remember...
sat on the loo, but to who?
Not my boss?
was that who I sent it to?!!
That's awful,
I think I'll stay in bed,
pull the covers up over my head,
pretend none of that happened
and never ever do it again.
Anyway, I was hardly to blame:
I hadn't eaten,
people kept buying rounds
and shots that were - blue?
Drank too quick too.
I won't drink again I'll
detox (is that what it's called?)
I'll have green tea
or something and eat...
salad and what not.
I won't drink again cos
I hate trying to think
through this fog.
when all's said and done
Hair of the dog?
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Made me smile and some lovely
Permalink Submitted by Starfish Girl on
Made me smile and some lovely images. I think many of us have been there.
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This is funny and captures
Permalink Submitted by Dreamerof4 on
This is funny and captures the regretful behaviour and shame well.
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Brilliant read...I can so
Permalink Submitted by skinner_jennifer on
Brilliant read...I can so identify with this.
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I'll drink to that!
Permalink Submitted by loquaciousicity on
I'll drink to that!
Funny & amusing!!
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1 User voted this as great feedback
It's the same anmesia you get
It's the same anmesia you get with childbirth. It hurts like hell at the time, but somehow, a little while later, it all seems like a terribly good idea again...
Enjoyed and empathised with this!
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I like this it captures the
Permalink Submitted by Dreamerof4 on
I like this it captures the feelings wonderfully
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