On life...
By akanbi
- 506 reads
As it appears, our life is like a game.
A game from which you can't afford to perch aloof.
You can't content yourself to stand aside and look askance
If you do not partake then cannon fodder is what you'll be
You should not a reluctant player be
Or self fulfillment will never be your gain.
Don't play the game for others just to please
Or the whim of schemers and bullies will be your plight
And they will never miss a chance to claim your share
Do have your heroes; mentors you genuinely admire
And who you hold in very high regard
And who in turn will guide, encourage and inspire
You must take care about adopting other people's rules
Because you may be placing needless constraints upon yourself.
Instead, be absolutely clear about your principles
Defend, promote, and strictly abide by your values.
Regardless of your current plight you must always a winner be
Because, in life, obstacles and roadblocks are constant realities
Just as are good luck and success all the same.
Your bravery and courage will always come through
As you battle with hardships and mischance
It will be seen in the way you cope
An opportunity for others to inspire
Or forever an object of abject pity be
Your attitude and reaction to victory and success
These will reflect in how with others you relate
An opportunity to be magnanimous and genuine
Or reveal yourself to be a petty arrogant fool
Consider your past mistakes as lessons in progress
And not a failure or cause for shame and disgrace
Parade yourself with your head held up high
And greet everyone with a friendly smile
Be confident in yourself but from haughty pride refrain
Treat all, big or small, with dignity and respect
For, after all, it is from the same stuff we all are made
Do cast aside that common streak of human vanity
That gives the illusion of class and superiority
We all are worth no more or less but the same
Which in the grand scheme is only next to naught
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