-end of line- Trayvon Martin, Zimmerman and the secret that is Fight Club.
By alphadog1
- 685 reads
I live in the UK and I am an Obama fan (yeah I'm out the closet) but I also think that his decision in coming out on the side of Trayvon, or at least by identifying with Mr. Martin a very strange thing to do, as it has the air of courting public opinion on a contentious issue, that perhaps he really should have stayed out of.
I say that, as I feel that by taking sides in this case or at least by identifying himself with Trayvon as a teenager, he is unwittingly questioning the jury’s decision; and in turn, forcing up issues that many would rather not discuss.
From the UK, the Trayvon/ Zimmerman case has been very interesting to observe; especially as there is little real news on the topic and even less about the on-going protest’s which are more or less like here-say, from this side of the pond at the result of Zimmerman’s freedom. Though it is also fair to say that the BBC are spending more time on a baby that will soon be born to a rich couple, to consider this an item worth looking into. That being the case, I did a bit of digging myself. and this has led to some interesting issues.
I found out that the jury had to rely on what appears to be a lot of what looked on the surface like circumstantial evidence, as well as very unclear eye witness statements from people whom really couldn't (or possibly chose not to) see what was happening and therefore could not decide with clarity, whether Trayvon was killed or Zimmerman attacked in self-defence.
The fact that the Jury still chose to believe that Zimmerman was innocent, shows quite clearly that there are complex issues at the heart of this case, which its fascination for me. This research led to several inks, that have, at least for me, been very useful: they are posted at the bottom of the page in a seperate link and can be copied and opened separately.
I found Stefan Molyneux "philosophical broadcast" one of the most insightful and possibly the most thought out argument in relation to the evidence at hand, and, if you are interested in the case, I do recommend that you watch this broadcast to make your own mind up, however, I also suggest that you simply stick to the evidence, he discusses and not get side tracked by the political postulations at the end of the segment, which, in my humble opinion does nothing to give weight to the case.
According to Stefan, Trayvon Martin was apparently found to be on a substance he terms as "Lean". To make “lean” is quite easy, you require the following: Promethazine w/Codeine VC “ Sizzurp” (active ingredient.) Original Sprite Soda- Mixing ingredient (although different flavours of sprite are now used, such as sprite remix) and Jolly rancher candy or “skittles” as a flavour additive, this is mixed in a Styrofoam cup and ingested. according to the link "It is the codeine that is mainly responsible for the euphoric feeling after drinking “lean”; as Promethazine causes motor skill impairment, lethargy, extreme drowsiness, as well as a dissociative feeling from all other parts of the body, specifically the stomach and digestive system."
However, according to Molyneux the disturbing side effects of "Lean" are pretty devastating: they include "increased paranoia and heightened aggression, dependency and eventual brain damage". But is there more to this story than a drug fueled confrontation in an alleyway? what is really interesting about Molyneux broadcast is the evidence he gives relating to the text messages, which are between Trayvon and a female friend on Trayvon’s mobile phone. Evidence that is also in the public domain. I have to say, having analyzed the content of the messages It seems that Trayvon was also possibly taking part in an underground movement of MMa bare knuckle fighting.
In the Broadcast that analyses his mobile phone messages there are phrases to consider, phrases like: “in a ducked off spot” or an area where they would not be seen, and “I lost the first round, but I won rounds round 2 and 3”.
This does not suggest, a brawl after school over a girlfriend, or a fight over lunch money, or a fight where people punch out to get rid of their frustrations. The text message discribes a controlled bout of three rounds of hard MMA fighting, and if this is the case, there is also seen the possibility that Trayvon used planning and foresight in making the place he chose for that fight as safe, or free from the eyes of the general public or the police as possible.
The MMa connection is also possibly underpinned by the way Zimmerman was assaluted. Zimmerman was struck with in a very specific way. The term to describe the way Zimmerman was hit is called "Ground and pound" Firstly, the opponant is punched or kicked in a very specific way to the face, thus breaking the nose, and disoreintating the opponant. Then as the opponant is almost renderd unconcious, the assailant then jumps upon his opponant and uses his (or her) fists in short sharp downward movements repeatedly. This technique of fighting is not like street fighting, its a form of sport, it needs pracitce to learn the moves, and requires dedicaction from the individual to keep himself (or herself) in the near peak of phsyical condition, and also it requires practice. It is also interesting to note that this is an actual sport promoted on NBC: Just copy and paste the link below and watch it.
Most of the images on the MMa link are promotional, however, halfway through there is shown part of an M.M.A match between a man called T********** and an unknown opponant. Watching the match is interesting, as it gives insight into the types of moves Trayvon used on Zimmerman and there is a puch thrown, that -in comparison- leaves similar marks to the injury received by Zimmerman at the hands of Trayvon on the night Trayvon died. This is seen in the images zimmerman's injuries are also available on the wikipedia link, that are also enclosed. This also leads me to ask did Trayvon set up fights or were the fights set up for him? Does fight club actually exist?
So here is the scene:- Trayvon is on “lean” and is walking in the dark, its raining, he is wearing a hood he is walking close to a closed off area, where there have been many break ins to property, he is seen by Zimmerman, who considers him suspicious, Trayvon, reacts as he is ready of a fight and on “lean” Trayvon hits Zimmerman first, therefore Zimmerman is the victim of an assault carried out by Trayvon, Zimmerman defends himself, Trayvon is killed.
These are the bare facts: however the bare facts do not ask questions like, why was Zimmerman, a man who chose to be part of a neghbour hood watch team allowed to be armed in the first place? Why did Zimmerman leave his car, when he was advised not to? and why was Trayvon walking home in the dark and taking “lean” in the first place? especially as he would need to keep himslef in peak condition. And the biggest question of all:- Why did passers by that eye witnessed the incident, make the decision not to get involved? For me this last question is the most heart breaking, and is a greater reflection of society as a whole.
Do M.M.A fight clubs exist? I live in the UK and okay, I have to say that I am an Obama fan (yeah I'm out the closet) but I also think that his decision in coming out on the side of Trayvon, or at least by identifying with Mr. Martin a very strange thing to do, as it has the air of courting public opinion on a contentious issue, that perhaps he really should have stayed out of.
I say that, as I feel that by taking sides in this case or at least by identifying himself with Trayvon as a teenager, he is unwittingly questioning the jury’s decision; and in turn, forcing up issues that many would rather not discuss.
Perhaps he is right in doing so, I would say, fine; go ahead, and wave your flag, as long as you also consider thinking about making some changes that many might find unappealing to consider.
From the UK, the Trayvon/ Zimmerman case has been very interesting to observe; especially as there is little real news on the topic and even less about the on-going protests’ which are more or less like here-say, at the result of Zimmerman’s freedom. Though it is also fair to say that the BBC are spending more time on a baby that will soon be born to a rich couple to consider this an item worth looking into; so I did a bit of digging myself. and this has led to some interesting issues.
I found out that the jury had to rely on what appears to be a lot of circumstantial evidence, and very unclear eye witness statements from people whom really couldn't (or possibly chose not to) see what was happening and therefore could not decide with clarity, whether Trayvon was killed or Zimmerman attacked in self-defence.
The fact that the Jury still chose to believe that Zimmerman was innocent, shows clearly that there are complex issues at the heart of this case; which is, its fascination for me.
In looking into this case, I found several inks, that have at least for me, been very useful, and they are posted at the bottom of the page, and can be copied and opened separately.
I particularly found Stefan Molyneux Philosophical broadcast one of the most insightful and possibly the most thought out argument in relation to the evidence at hand; and if you are interested in the case, I do recommend that you watch this Broadcast as well. However, I also suggest that you simply stick to the evidence, and not get side tracked by the political postulations at the end of the segment, which, in my humble opinion does nothing to give weight to the case.
According to Stefan, Trayvon Martin was apparently found to be on a substance he terms as "Lean". To make “lean” is quite easy, you require the following: Promethazine w/Codeine VC “ Sizzurp” (active ingredient.) Original Sprite Soda- Mixing ingredient (although different flavours of sprite are now used, such as sprite remix) and Jolly rancher candy or “skittles” as a flavour additive, this is mixed in a Styrofoam cup and ingested. according to the link "It is the codeine that is mainly responsible for the euphoric feeling after drinking “lean”; as Promethazine causes motor skill impairment, lethargy, extreme drowsiness, as well as a dissociative feeling from all other parts of the body, specifically the stomach and digestive system."
However, according to Molyneux the disturbing side effects of "Lean" are pretty devastating: they include "increased paranoia and heightened aggression, dependency and eventual brain damage". But there is more to this than a drug fueled confrontation in an alleyway. what is really interesting about Molyneux broadcast is the evidence he gives relating to the text messages, which are between Trayvon and a female friend on Trayvon’s mobile phone. Evidence that is also in the public domain. And having analyzed the content of the messages It seems that Trayvon was also possibly taking part in an underground movement of MMa bare knuckle fighting.
In the Broadcast there are phrases to consider: Phrases like: “in a ducked off spot” or an area where they would not be seen, and “I lost the first round, but I won rounds round 2 and 3”.
This does not suggest, a brawl after school over a girlfriend, or lunch money, where people punch and get rid of their frustrations but a controlled bout of three rounds of hard MMA fighting.
It also suggests planning and foresight.
Then there is the use of what is termed as pound and ground; which is a technique that used on Zimmerman, by Trayvon, this is an M.M.A or mixed martial arts technique used in bare knuckle fighting to gain the upper hand upon your opponent.
(and It is also interesting to note that this is an actual sport promoted on NBC, just copy and paste the link and watch it Most of the images are promotional, however, halfway through there is a M.M.A match that Tyrone Sprog takes part and, there is a punch to the nose that he gives which seems to be a comparison to the marks to the similar injury received by Zimmerman at the hands of Trayvon on the night he died: Images of zimmerman's injuries are also available on the wikipedia link, also enclosed.
So here is the scene:- Trayvon is on “lean” and is walking in the dark, its raining, he is wearing a hood up, he is seen by Zimmerman, who considers him suspicious, Trayvon, reacts as he is ready of a fight and on “lean” Trayvon hits Zimmerman first, therefore Zimmerman is the victim of an assault carried out by Trayvon, Zimmerman defends himself, Trayvon is killed.
I live in the UK and okay, I have to say that I am an Obama fan (yeah I'm out the closet) but I also think that his decision in coming out on the side of Trayvon, or at least by identifying with Mr. Martin a very strange thing to do, as it has the air of courting public opinion on a contentious issue, that perhaps he really should have stayed out of.
I say that, as I feel that by taking sides in this case or at least by identifying himself with Trayvon as a teenager, he is unwittingly questioning the jury’s decision; and in turn, forcing up issues that many would rather not discuss.
Perhaps he is right in doing so, I would say, fine; go ahead, and wave your flag, as long as you also consider thinking about making some changes that many might find unappealing to consider.
From the UK, the Trayvon/ Zimmerman case has been very interesting to observe; especially as there is little real news on the topic and even less about the on-going protests’ which are more or less like here-say, at the result of Zimmerman’s freedom. Though it is also fair to say that the BBC are spending more time on a baby that will soon be born to a rich couple to consider this an item worth looking into; so I did a bit of digging myself. and this has led to some interesting issues.
I found out that the jury had to rely on what appears to be a lot of circumstantial evidence, and very unclear eye witness statements from people whom really couldn't (or possibly chose not to) see what was happening and therefore could not decide with clarity, whether Trayvon was killed or Zimmerman attacked in self-defence.
The fact that the Jury still chose to believe that Zimmerman was innocent, shows clearly that there are complex issues at the heart of this case; which is, its fascination for me.
In looking into this case, I found several inks, that have at least for me, been very useful, and they are posted at the bottom of the page, and can be copied and opened separately.
I particularly found Stefan Molyneux Philosophical broadcast one of the most insightful and possibly the most thought out argument in relation to the evidence at hand; and if you are interested in the case, I do recommend that you watch this Broadcast as well. However, I also suggest that you simply stick to the evidence, and not get side tracked by the political postulations at the end of the segment, which, in my humble opinion does nothing to give weight to the case.
According to Stefan, Trayvon Martin was apparently found to be on a substance he terms as "Lean". To make “lean” is quite easy, you require the following: Promethazine w/Codeine VC “ Sizzurp” (active ingredient.) Original Sprite Soda- Mixing ingredient (although different flavours of sprite are now used, such as sprite remix) and Jolly rancher candy or “skittles” as a flavour additive, this is mixed in a Styrofoam cup and ingested. according to the link "It is the codeine that is mainly responsible for the euphoric feeling after drinking “lean”; as Promethazine causes motor skill impairment, lethargy, extreme drowsiness, as well as a dissociative feeling from all other parts of the body, specifically the stomach and digestive system."
However, according to Molyneux the disturbing side effects of "Lean" are pretty devastating: they include "increased paranoia and heightened aggression, dependency and eventual brain damage". But there is more to this than a drug fueled confrontation in an alleyway. what is really interesting about Molyneux broadcast is the evidence he gives relating to the text messages, which are between Trayvon and a female friend on Trayvon’s mobile phone. Evidence that is also in the public domain. And having analyzed the content of the messages It seems that Trayvon was also possibly taking part in an underground movement of MMa bare knuckle fighting.
In the Broadcast there are phrases to consider: Phrases like: “in a ducked off spot” or an area where they would not be seen, and “I lost the first round, but I won rounds round 2 and 3”.
This does not suggest, a brawl after school over a girlfriend, or lunch money, where people punch and get rid of their frustrations but a controlled bout of three rounds of hard MMA fighting.
It also suggests planning and foresight.
Then there is the use of what is termed as pound and ground; which is a technique that used on Zimmerman, by Trayvon, this is an M.M.A or mixed martial arts technique used in bare knuckle fighting to gain the upper hand upon your opponent.
(and It is also interesting to note that this is an actual sport promoted on NBC, just copy and paste the link and watch it Most of the images are promotional, however, halfway through there is a M.M.A match that Tyrone Sprog takes part and, there is a punch to the nose that he gives which seems to be a comparison to the marks to the similar injury received by Zimmerman at the hands of Trayvon on the night he died: Images of zimmerman's injuries are also available on the wikipedia link, also enclosed.
So here is the scene:- Trayvon is on “lean” and is walking in the dark, its raining, he is wearing a hood up, he is seen by Zimmerman, who considers him suspicious, Trayvon, reacts as he is ready of a fight and on “lean” Trayvon hits Zimmerman first, therefore Zimmerman is the victim of an assault carried out by Trayvon, Zimmerman defends himself, Trayvon is killed.
These are the bare facts: however the bare facts do not ask questions like, why was Zimmerman armed in the first place? Why did Zimmerman leave his car? and why was Trayvon walking so far from home in the dark and taking “lean” in the first place. And the biggest question of all:- Why did passers-by that eye witnessed the incident, make the decision not to get involved?
I live in the UK and okay, I have to say that I am an Obama fan (yeah I'm out the closet) but I also think that his decision in coming out on the side of Trayvon, or at least by identifying with Mr. Martin a very strange thing to do, as it has the air of courting public opinion on a contentious issue, that perhaps he really should have stayed out of.
I say that, as I feel that by taking sides in this case or at least by identifying himself with Trayvon as a teenager, he is unwittingly questioning the jury’s decision; and in turn, forcing up issues that many would rather not discuss.
Perhaps he is right in doing so, I would say, fine; go ahead, and wave your flag, as long as you also consider thinking about making some changes that many might find unappealing to consider.
From the UK, the Trayvon/ Zimmerman case has been very interesting to observe; especially as there is little real news on the topic and even less about the on-going protests’ which are more or less like here-say, at the result of Zimmerman’s freedom. Though it is also fair to say that the BBC are spending more time on a baby that will soon be born to a rich couple to consider this an item worth looking into; so I did a bit of digging myself. and this has led to some interesting issues.
I found out that the jury had to rely on what appears to be a lot of circumstantial evidence, and very unclear eye witness statements from people whom really couldn't (or possibly chose not to) see what was happening and therefore could not decide with clarity, whether Trayvon was killed or Zimmerman attacked in self-defence.
The fact that the Jury still chose to believe that Zimmerman was innocent, shows clearly that there are complex issues at the heart of this case; which is, its fascination for me.
In looking into this case, I found several inks, that have at least for me, been very useful, and they are posted at the bottom of the page, and can be copied and opened separately.
I particularly found Stefan Molyneux Philosophical broadcast one of the most insightful and possibly the most thought out argument in relation to the evidence at hand; and if you are interested in the case, I do recommend that you watch this Broadcast as well. However, I also suggest that you simply stick to the evidence, and not get side tracked by the political postulations at the end of the segment, which, in my humble opinion does nothing to give weight to the case.
According to Stefan, Trayvon Martin was apparently found to be on a substance he terms as "Lean". To make “lean” is quite easy, you require the following: Promethazine w/Codeine VC “ Sizzurp” (active ingredient.) Original Sprite Soda- Mixing ingredient (although different flavours of sprite are now used, such as sprite remix) and Jolly rancher candy or “skittles” as a flavour additive, this is mixed in a Styrofoam cup and ingested. according to the link "It is the codeine that is mainly responsible for the euphoric feeling after drinking “lean”; as Promethazine causes motor skill impairment, lethargy, extreme drowsiness, as well as a dissociative feeling from all other parts of the body, specifically the stomach and digestive system."
However, according to Molyneux the disturbing side effects of "Lean" are pretty devastating: they include "increased paranoia and heightened aggression, dependency and eventual brain damage". But there is more to this than a drug fueled confrontation in an alleyway. what is really interesting about Molyneux broadcast is the evidence he gives relating to the text messages, which are between Trayvon and a female friend on Trayvon’s mobile phone. Evidence that is also in the public domain. And having analyzed the content of the messages It seems that Trayvon was also possibly taking part in an underground movement of MMa bare knuckle fighting.
In the Broadcast there are phrases to consider: Phrases like: “in a ducked off spot” or an area where they would not be seen, and “I lost the first round, but I won rounds round 2 and 3”.
This does not suggest, a brawl after school over a girlfriend, or lunch money, where people punch and get rid of their frustrations but a controlled bout of three rounds of hard MMA fighting.
It also suggests planning and foresight.
Then there is the use of what is termed as pound and ground; which is a technique that used on Zimmerman, by Trayvon, this is an M.M.A or mixed martial arts technique used in bare knuckle fighting to gain the upper hand upon your opponent.
(and It is also interesting to note that this is an actual sport promoted on NBC, just copy and paste the link and watch it Most of the images are promotional, however, halfway through there is a M.M.A match that Tyrone Sprog takes part and, there is a punch to the nose that he gives which seems to be a comparison to the marks to the similar injury received by Zimmerman at the hands of Trayvon on the night he died: Images of zimmerman's injuries are also available on the wikipedia link, also enclosed.
So here is the scene:- Trayvon is on “lean” and is walking in the dark, its raining, he is wearing a hood up, he is seen by Zimmerman, who considers him suspicious, Trayvon, reacts as he is ready of a fight and on “lean” Trayvon hits Zimmerman first, therefore Zimmerman is the victim of an assault carried out by Trayvon, Zimmerman defends himself, Trayvon is killed.
These are the bare facts: however the bare facts do not ask questions like, why was Zimmerman armed in the first place? Why did Zimmerman leave his car? and why was Trayvon walking so far from home in the dark and taking “lean” in the first place. And the biggest question of all:- Why did passers-by that eye witnessed the incident, make the decision not to get involved?
I live in the UK and okay, I have to say that I am an Obama fan (yeah I'm out the closet) but I also think that his decision in coming out on the side of Trayvon, or at least by identifying with Mr. Martin a very strange thing to do, as it has the air of courting public opinion on a contentious issue, that perhaps he really should have stayed out of.
I say that, as I feel that by taking sides in this case or at least by identifying himself with Trayvon as a teenager, he is unwittingly questioning the jury’s decision; and in turn, forcing up issues that many would rather not discuss.
Perhaps he is right in doing so, I would say, fine; go ahead, and wave your flag, as long as you also consider thinking about making some changes that many might find unappealing to consider.
From the UK, the Trayvon/ Zimmerman case has been very interesting to observe; especially as there is little real news on the topic and even less about the on-going protests’ which are more or less like here-say, at the result of Zimmerman’s freedom. Though it is also fair to say that the BBC are spending more time on a baby that will soon be born to a rich couple to consider this an item worth looking into; so I did a bit of digging myself. and this has led to some interesting issues.
I found out that the jury had to rely on what appears to be a lot of circumstantial evidence, and very unclear eye witness statements from people whom really couldn't (or possibly chose not to) see what was happening and therefore could not decide with clarity, whether Trayvon was killed or Zimmerman attacked in self-defence.
The fact that the Jury still chose to believe that Zimmerman was innocent, shows clearly that there are complex issues at the heart of this case; which is, its fascination for me.
In looking into this case, I found several inks, that have at least for me, been very useful, and they are posted at the bottom of the page, and can be copied and opened separately.
I particularly found Stefan Molyneux Philosophical broadcast one of the most insightful and possibly the most thought out argument in relation to the evidence at hand; and if you are interested in the case, I do recommend that you watch this Broadcast as well. However, I also suggest that you simply stick to the evidence, and not get side tracked by the political postulations at the end of the segment, which, in my humble opinion does nothing to give weight to the case.
According to Stefan, Trayvon Martin was apparently found to be on a substance he terms as "Lean". To make “lean” is quite easy, you require the following: Promethazine w/Codeine VC “ Sizzurp” (active ingredient.) Original Sprite Soda- Mixing ingredient (although different flavours of sprite are now used, such as sprite remix) and Jolly rancher candy or “skittles” as a flavour additive, this is mixed in a Styrofoam cup and ingested. according to the link "It is the codeine that is mainly responsible for the euphoric feeling after drinking “lean”; as Promethazine causes motor skill impairment, lethargy, extreme drowsiness, as well as a dissociative feeling from all other parts of the body, specifically the stomach and digestive system."
However, according to Molyneux the disturbing side effects of "Lean" are pretty devastating: they include "increased paranoia and heightened aggression, dependency and eventual brain damage". But there is more to this than a drug fueled confrontation in an alleyway. what is really interesting about Molyneux broadcast is the evidence he gives relating to the text messages, which are between Trayvon and a female friend on Trayvon’s mobile phone. Evidence that is also in the public domain. And having analyzed the content of the messages It seems that Trayvon was also possibly taking part in an underground movement of MMa bare knuckle fighting.
In the Broadcast there are phrases to consider: Phrases like: “in a ducked off spot” or an area where they would not be seen, and “I lost the first round, but I won rounds round 2 and 3”.
This does not suggest, a brawl after school over a girlfriend, or lunch money, where people punch and get rid of their frustrations but a controlled bout of three rounds of hard MMA fighting.
It also suggests planning and foresight.
Then there is the use of what is termed as pound and ground; which is a technique that used on Zimmerman, by Trayvon, this is an M.M.A or mixed martial arts technique used in bare knuckle fighting to gain the upper hand upon your opponent.
(and It is also interesting to note that this is an actual sport promoted on NBC, just copy and paste the link and watch it Most of the images are promotional, however, halfway through there is a M.M.A match that Tyrone Sprog takes part and, there is a punch to the nose that he gives which seems to be a comparison to the marks to the similar injury received by Zimmerman at the hands of Trayvon on the night he died: Images of zimmerman's injuries are also available on the wikipedia link, also enclosed.
So here is the scene:- Trayvon is on “lean” and is walking in the dark, its raining, he is wearing a hood up, he is seen by Zimmerman, who considers him suspicious, Trayvon, reacts as he is ready of a fight and on “lean” Trayvon hits Zimmerman first, therefore Zimmerman is the victim of an assault carried out by Trayvon, Zimmerman defends himself, Trayvon is killed.
These are the bare facts: however the bare facts do not ask questions like, why was Zimmerman armed in the first place? Why did Zimmerman leave his car? and why was Trayvon walking so far from home in the dark and taking “lean” in the first place. And the biggest question of all:- Why did passers-by that eye witnessed the incident, make the decision not to get involved?
Do these M.M.A fight clubs exist? I did find some evidence that they are about, but posts are quickly removed as they are created, leaving me to consider that though they might exist, they exist in a romanticized notion of the possible facts: facts that Trayton puts in his mobile phone to his friend, facts that suggest children as young as sixteen are enticed into fighting, that they possibly must get some sort of reward, so they must get paid for it; and that adults -possibly- stalk the schools and look for possible candidates whom could be manipulated into this lifestyle that can only lead into a life of drug dependency crime and death, at the expense of others, in acts of high stakes gambling.
Is Stefan accurate in his findings? It is accurate to state that he does not paint a very nice picture of Trayvon, however, he also considers Zimmerman as a man whom is not a racist, whom also has many coloured friends, one whom is a partner in a business venture. And despite some of his postulations at the end of his broadcast, He sounds genuine. his findings and do not consider the angle I have considered about MMA fight clubs, so I have to humbly admit, like most of this case all I have given is an hypothesis based upon phone evidence and on line research, which seem to fit the facts given to me.
If I am right, If this is the case, and Trayvon was on his way to a fight, it might explain his state of mind, his aggression and his paranoia; and Zimmerman simply was the wrong person, in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Personally, this case only underlines the decay occurring throughout society; a decay that both Zimmerman and Trayvon are victims of, and it is the government, elected by the people, for that should face its responsibility in this matter.
Is Stefan accurate in his findings? It is accurate to state that he does not paint a very nice picture of Trayvon, however, he also considers Zimmerman as a man whom is not a racist, whom also has many coloured friends, one whom is a partner in a business venture. And despite some of his postulations at the end of his broadcast, He sounds genuine. his findings and do not consider the angle I have considered about MMA fight clubs, so I have to humbly admit, like most of this case all I have given is an hypothesis based upon phone evidence and on line research, which seem to fit the facts given to me.
If I am right, If this is the case, and Trayvon was on his way to a fight, it might explain his state of mind, his aggression and his paranoia; and Zimmerman simply was the wrong person, in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Personally, this case only underlines the decay occurring throughout society; a decay that both Zimmerman and Trayvon are victims of, and it is the government, elected by the people, for that should face its responsibility in this matter.
Is Stefan accurate in his findings? It is accurate to state that he does not paint a very nice picture of Trayvon, however, he also considers Zimmerman as a man whom is not a racist, whom also has many coloured friends, one whom is a partner in a business venture. And despite some of his postulations at the end of his broadcast, He sounds genuine. his findings and do not consider the angle I have considered about MMA fight clubs, so I have to humbly admit, like most of this case all I have given is an hypothesis based upon phone evidence and on line research, which seem to fit the facts given to me.
If I am right, If this is the case, and Trayvon was on his way to a fight, it might explain his state of mind, his aggression and his paranoia; and Zimmerman simply was the wrong person, in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Personally, this case only underlines the decay occurring throughout society; a decay that both Zimmerman and Trayvon are victims of, and it is the government, elected by the people, for that should face its responsibility in this matter.
These are the bare facts: however the bare facts do not ask questions like, why was Zimmerman armed in the first place? Why did Zimmerman leave his car? and why was Trayvon walking so far from home in the dark and taking “lean” in the first place. And the biggest question of all:- Why did passers-by that eye witnessed the incident, make the decision not to get involved?
Is Stefan accurate in his findings? It is accurate to state that he does not paint a very nice picture of Trayvon, however, he also considers Zimmerman as a man whom is not a racist, whom also has many coloured friends, one whom is a partner in a business venture. And despite some of his postulations at the end of his broadcast, He sounds genuine. his findings and do not consider the angle I have considered about MMA fight clubs, so I have to humbly admit, like most of this case all I have given is an hypothesis based upon phone evidence and on line research, which seem to fit the facts given to me.
If I am right, If this is the case, and Trayvon was on his way home from a fight, this might explain his state of mind, his aggression and his paranoia; and Zimmerman simply was the wrong person, in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Personally, this case only underlines the decay occurring throughout society; a decay that is heightend not by race but by class, where the affluent members of society look down upon the individuals who are trapped by their poverty, and where in poverty individuals look to hero's to get them out of the trap that they are in. Trayvon Martin looked to MMa as a chance to get free from this cycle; but both Zimmerman and Trayvon are victims of thisn and it is the government, elected by the people, for the people that should face its responsibility in this matter.
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