Thoughts on the interconnection of everything.
By alphadog1
- 924 reads
The physicist's are only part right, but mathematics's is not the whole solution to the question that rests at the heart the human problem.
Stephen Hawking, brilliantly put forward the idea that space-time is linked upon a quantum level... and he is accurate, however, he failed to take into consideration the biological issue relating to life upon a fundamental level. which is ironic, especially from his perspective.
that is because mathematics does work, but only to a point, However, mathematics doesn't look at the biological or in the lack of constraint within biological forms... when this is taken into consideration, then the theory for everything becomes app arrant. though my argument is, half cocked and biased, I have yet to find a person able to argue otherwise... and this is where, essentially both parties become unstuck and abrasive... because it rests in the core of the belief of the individual...
Essentially I do not believe in fate... fate and co-incidence, are only half the pattern.
the pattern resolves itself in biological constraints (or lack of them) within a biosphere; and that is based upon a universal system... it is not a co-incidence that the formation for the DNA for a weed was found on the same day and the DNA for human life... both are connected entwined in a beautiful matrix that can be visualised but so seldom grasped... we as a species believe that we are the lords of it all, and in doing so, punish ourselves for hypocritical misdemeanour's and also fail by pride to understand the greater significance of a seed blowing in a breeze... life... all life is interconnected... we remove weeds from veg because they look unsightly, yet fail to see the nutrients the weeds give to the plant we wish to protect... the weeds need to be there... and this is at the heart of the human psyche...
people are wanting to prove me wrong either by clever arguement or by calling me a preposterous fool... I have no care as to what people think... they can believe what they want... this is however a truth that cannot be denied... I however know man's propensity for denial, and have come to the opinion that truth sits roughly in the heart. but reality snugly rests there... ;))) because when I say universal... I mean universal... the stars and the patterns they make are connected too... mankind and nature need to be linked... to say that there is no connection between both and that man can control nature is both facile and wrong. As Michael Crichton brilliantly puts forward in his novel PREY evolution is a platitude... we do not see the pattern, because we are to arrogant to see it. and we are so obsessed with our view or our perception, we fail to see... Galaxies go to sleep and then wake up... stars form and send out waves of electromagnetic particles that affect and effect everything, the sun gets hit by a comet and becomes dim... Jupiter protects earth from Halley bop... Now we could argue these points... and please do... come on... I'm here... or we could accept them and try to think about making a difference... essentially its up to us...
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