Neo Sphinx !i
By Amogh
- 1125 reads
Neo Sphinx
"Get me one cc with no sugar. Joe21 said in a Druidian accent. "Sir, what do you mean by cc? the new android asked. "Show me your data-feed terminal. Joe21 fed '
"By the way, I am max21. May I ask your name?
"Sure, I am Joe21. We belong to the same Area21 and yet don't know each other. Isn't it amazing.
"There are 34,559 people living in Area21 and the probability of us knowing each other is 0.00835267.
"Hey! Are you a mathematician or something?
"No! I can calculate at the speed of 20kThz.
"So, is your body real human?
"Yes, it is! Isn't your body?
"I am a cyborg. This body looks real but it isn't. I'll show you. Saying this Joe21 took off the skin from his left hand and revealed a machine inside. "See! I am mostly a robot that thinks and feels human. Actually, I am fed up with this existence and desire to be terminated.
"You mean suicide. I don't recommend such harsh action. Think again about it!
"I got this body 42 years ago when my original body was destroyed in an accident. I wish they had let me die. It would be much better than this restricted existence. I would destroy the creator of 'Robocop' if he existed today.
"That's precisely 270 years 2months 21days 4hours and 21seconds by the time I finish this sentence! It took amazingly long time to actually produce the first cyborg like you. Max21 said.
"You know, the batteries on which I run need to be charged every 2 days. They come with no Guarantee and sometimes fail unconditionally! About a month ago, I was walking about with Jack21 from my domain when my battery suddenly failed. I couldn't move a bit. Jack21 had to call a doctorix for replacing it. I felt embarrassed on the street when he removed my shirt and then my skin! It cost me 57 quid. They said that with this body, I could easily lift heavy objects, eat anything but drink only Organic and petroleum based fluids! On the second day, I realised that all the three were wrong. I tried to lift a car holding one of its front tyres, but, as it was heavier than me, I fell down breaking two of my front teeth. Then, I ate a watermelon with kerosene and my system crashed. They spent two days to repair it while I had to spend a fortune! Yesterday, as I was in a business meeting online, the skin from one of my arms suddenly came off. I was on video putting forward my point and I received 21,000 personal messages with '!' typed in it. This is what triggered my desire to be terminated. Saying this Joe21 was almost in tears.
"Please excuse me for not sharing your feelings. I cannot comprehend emotions since my head was replaced. I have a human body, but my head is a machine. It works like my original head destroyed in the Arc-war but, you know, we lose our emotions. They spent a long time to program my new magnetic brain as I was the 10th person to have my brain replaced. There is hope for us as scientists are discovering the secret of emotions now. They say that emotions are a result of an error in sector 54,00,983 of the brain that they correct in our brains. They are now thinking of ways to replicate this error!
Joe21 gazed at Max21 open mouthed! He had never met a Bjorg before. Now, Joe21 felt that he was 100 times better. After a moment of silence, Joe21 got an idea. "How about exchanging? he said.
Max21 nodded and they both went to a Cospital. Joe21's head was fitted onto Max21's body and Max21's robotic head was fitted onto Joe21's mechanical body. So, were two new individuals created?
- Amogh Borkar.
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