The book of wonders- Chapter 2
By anandkrishnan
- 669 reads
Harry angrily said “shut up Micheal” and they continued to relax till they heard growling noises approach them so they came out to check what creatures were lurking outside but once again saw nothing so they were about to head back when these werewolves rushed together to attack them roaring which made them scream then the same wizard appeared from the sky to the ground and cast a spell on them which made them vanish then turned towards them angrily “where have you boys come of all places? Height of irresponsibility, this is where the werewolves have been living for a long time so nobody dares to come here and you took that bus which will drive you here? I’m speechless but thanks to you , they’re all destroyed and can no longer harm anyone . This trip is not meant to be permament for people like you but anyway , I’ll take you to a more saner place but I hope you leave at some point” then he cast a spell on them which made them go up the sky and land on elf land where they saw elves working and having houses so Micheal said “cool” Harry said “don’t get carried away dude, remember what that wizard said?” Micheal said “who cares about that wizard? As if he’s going to show up again. We’’ll make a home for ourselves here, come on Harry” Harry said “you’re unbelievable” then they kept walking till they reached a faraway place which was a seaside and there was sand and they saw pieces of wood everywhere.
Micheal said “let’s use these pieces of wood to make a home for ourselves” Harry angrily replied “I refuse to help” then Micheal forcibly made him do everything including making beds for themselves inside then they built a house but were exhausted then they opened the door and went in. They lay on the bed. Micheal thought it would be a great idea to play a game to try and cheer Harry up “Harry, shall we play the guessing game to lighten up your mood” Harry turned his face away from Micheal “leave me alone Micheal, as it is , you didn’t listen to me so I’m not your mate anymore” Micheal said “come on, be a mate then, you’ll enjoy it , ok , I’ll start . I have thought of someone” Harry ignored him then Micheal said “ok, I’ll give you a clue, I’m a person who puts out the fire” Harry continued to ignore him . Micheal said “I’m something engineer” Harry still turned his face away so Micheal went upto him and tickled him chuckling till Harry burst out laughing “ok ok stop, I’ll play the guessing game” so Michel went back to play the game then Harry laughed “you’re a fire engineer” so Micheal laughed back then Harry said “it’s my turn” so Micheal nodded agreeing so Harry said “I’ve thought of someone. This person goes in jungles to spend time with animals.”
Micheal guessed “a zookeeper” then Harry said “no” Micheal said “a vet” then Harry laughed some more “no way mate” Micheal then said “an animal doctor to cure animals” which made Harry laugh loudly then Micheal would keep giving random answers till Harry couldn’t control his laughter “Micheal mate, it’s a safari adventurer , anyone could have guessed that easily with no effort being put in. Are you serious?” Micheal went “oh.”
Harry smiled some more “you’re right in a way Micheal because I realise now that after playing this game, we can actually spend time together that we cannot do back in the real world always despite being friends except when we had sleepovers with other friends” Micheal said “phew! I’m glad you think so at last. Let’s go outside and feel the waves splash our feet” then they both got up and went to feel the waves splash their feet and they were laughing with each other till a flock of eagles came swooping down and grabbed their arms flying high up in the sky with them screaming and they kept flying with the boys looking frightened then they dropped them on another random island and they fell on the sand screaming with a thud then they took a minute to catch a breath looking at each other with relief then Micheal said “that was the scariest experience for both of us mate, we’re just lucky to have survived it” then Harry replied “too right dude” then they slowly got up and walked very slowly since their feet were hurting so they were holding their feet but after a little while , they felt better and continued to walk but felt exhausted and tired and needed somewhere to sit. Harry kept searching which was the best place till he spotted a random sofa in the middle of the sand so he said smiling “here’s a lovely sofa for us to sit on, let’s go Micheal” Micheal smiled back “thank you Harry, you really are a true mate.”
When they walked towards it, Harry read a sign saying “sofa with spikes. Should be well kept away for children” so Harry for a laugh said “Micheal, I think it best if you sit on the sofa and I sit on the sand. Anyway mate, it doesn’t matter how we rest really, does it?” Micheal said astonished “what? Have you gone crazy? How can you rest on the sand? Do you need to see a doctor?” Harry said smilingly “I’m sure I can manage very easily” so Micheal said staring at him “ok, if you say so” and sat down with the spikes coming up that he screamed at the top of his voice which made the birds eating grapes from the trees fly away and Harry chuckled silently. Harry helped him walk to find a place to sit in still chuckling which Micheal noticed so he snapped “shut up Harry, what was so funny about that? Some mate you turned out to be” Harry said “nevertheless, it was funny” which irritated Micheal more “whatever” and they continued walking to the town centre where all the elves were shopping till they went past a bar where a tiny male elf saw them as he was about to close the bar and came towards them “my dear old fellow, you look in a terrible shape. Would you like to come in and stay for a few minutes? As it is, I was about to close the bar.”
Micheal smiled “cheers mate” and they walked in to which the elf replied “no problem mate” they walked in and found stools in front of a bar so Harry went and sat Micheal down and asked the gentleman who let them in “can I have a glass of water to give to Micheal please?” The elf smiled “with pleasure, a glass of water coming right up” then Micheal mourned at him “this is great, first mistreat me as a best friend then serve me with a glass of water?” Harry getting fed up of his complaints said “ok, I’m sorry, will you drop it now?” But Micheal continued to moarn then the elf passed him a glass of water then Micheal said “thank you” and drank it up in one gulp.
They sat and chatted , played games , had banter for a little while to cheer themselves up then walked out of the bar then they realised elves rushing in panic towards them which made them curious as to what the fuss was all about then they saw these giant bulls raging with fury chasing the elves so they rushed too with their hearts thumping to find a safe spot and they kept rushing for miles till they reached another island and they were sweating so much also due to the fact that it became sunny but luckily they spotted a tall tree in front of them which meant they could stand in the shade. Once they were in the shade, Harry began the conversation by saying “this is truly one of the craziest places we’ve ever been too where nothing is predictable” Micheal nodded his head agreeing “tell me about it, first it was werewolves then bulls, I wonder what creatures we might encounter next, vampires?” They laughed with fright then they gave a sigh of tiredness and fell to the ground to fall asleep but they heard a noise in the seaside and when they opened their eyes, they saw dolphins jumping out of the water playing with each other then they smiled at each other and the dolphins.
They went to play with the dolphins, Micheal said “finally, we get to meet the most harmless beautiful creatures on earth known as the dolphins,” they approached the dolphins then Harry asked “is it ok if we ride you?” The dolphins nodded in agreement so they became excited and hopped on the dolphins and rode them when they hopped in and out of water making cheering noises for an hour then they thanked them once they got off and walked on and this time they came to a hotel. They went in to check it out and saw it was like any ordinary hotel but had elves ordering food and drinks including elves taking orders so they went to select food and drinks for themselves by looking at the menu so Harry suggested “miss, can we have pepsi and a burger please?” and the lady looked astonished “didn’t you guys read the sign outside saying for elves/dwarves only? Sorry, we don’t serve giants like you, we are the ones who managed to get rid of those bulls today when these elves came rushing to us by killing them like we did in the past when nobody knew of us strong elves and the bulls were causing chaos in the town so I suggest you both do the decent thing by leaving or else, I’m going to have to call security.” Michael was amazed “wow, I must say I’m impressed.” Harry said “there’s no need to be so impressed Michael, she said that we are not allowed in this hotel and we need to respect that, I hope at least this time, you’ll listen to me as a friend?” Which made Micheal mad “who asked you to follow me the whole time? Am I Gandhi? This is a beautiful world filled with adorable elves who are usually very welcoming and you want me to leave it to go back to the boring real world, I say sod it. You’re free to go whenever you wish to, leave me alone” then Harry astonished replied “this is madness! You want to live in a world which is a figment of your imagination forever, I can’t believe what I’m hearing, I don’t deny that this is a beautiful world but c’mon dude, none of this is real, you can see nature in real life like birds, trees etc. You’re unreasonable” but all Michel did was shrug “if you like to put it that way.”
The lady gave a shocking look as to how rude Micheal was to his friend and called security who were two small men with strong muscles who threw them out then Harry angrily said “and that’s a very nice way to treat your guests, good riddens to you lady.”
Micheal said “stop worrying about them, they’re not worth the trouble, let’s go explore more and see whether we can find more nicer elves” and so they carried on their journey, they continued walking till they spotted a city centre with so much fun stuff to do like ice skating, swimming, bowling, shopping etc.
They went to try ice skating seeing it was their first time and they were nervous once they had a male dwarf put the ice skaters and didn’t move to slide all the way down the slope which was like a big slide and the other elves and dwarves were waiting behind them then the dwarf said with curiosity “are you scared because this is your first time? Shall I help you instead because you kept the others waiting for an hour. Is that ok with you guys?” Harry said “we’re fine, I’m sure we can manage” but they kept staring at the slide for another hour then the dwarf asked again “shall I help you to make it easier?” Micheal became impatient “we told you once didn’t we that we’re fine? We’re known to be the world’s bravest lads so leave us alone” which made the dwarf shrug but they just kept staring till the dwarf had lost his patience “for god’s sake” and pushed them both that instead of skating, they slid all the way down screaming with the others laughing. After that ride, their hearts continued to thump so Harry said “who are we kidding? We are and always will be the world’s most frightful lads and possibly blokes in the coming future” then they spotted to their surprise Los Angeles which made the boys excited and Micheal screamed “OH MY GOSH! IT’S LOS ANGELES AND LOOK, THERE’S THE TOUR BUS” so they rushed into the tour bus and went to the top sitting with normal people exploring the whole of California feeling excited with people this time until they woke up in History class realising it was a long dream with the class laughing at them and an impatient teacher “and welcome back to History class sleepyheads and a good afternoon to you too. For the 900th time, I’ve asked you, who is the current Prime Minister of England?” But all they could say in reply was “we don’t know the answer to that sir because we have no idea where we’ve just been” then the teacher and the class stared at them.
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