The Dragons - Chapter 5 The Final Battle
By anandkrishnan
- 319 reads
Bill came to the battleground with his dragon team. His opponent, Arthur, stepped forward to shake hands. Behind him stood fierce, black dragons. This came as much an unexpected surprise to the dragons as it did to Bill. He shook hands smiling.
“Arthur, it’s nice to meet you again. You’ve got dragons on your team as well, how did you think of this idea?”
Arthur grinned slyly. “It’s very simple, Bill. Defeating you last time was so easy but when I found out from my spy you’d recruited dragons on your side. I thought what better way to bring you down once again than to get the strongest dragons. My spy told me that I’d find them if I went to a big dangerous forest called The Dark Valley where I found these creatures. Unlike your lame dragons, mine didn’t need training. So, you’ve met your match! Your friends have no chance against them. May the best man win.”
Bill’s smile faded. “May the best man win.”
The black dragons gave nasty smiles to Bill’s dragons, but Spikey and his friends weren’t scared.
The audience, including the King and Queen, gathered around. Bill was on his horse as was Arthur, who was still grinning. The battle began and Bill was charging towards Arthur’s horse, but Arthur cheated by making his spy’s horse trot towards Bill’s horse from behind. The spy’s horse poked Bill. Bill held onto his chest and screamed. Spikey saw what Arthur had done and thought now was a good time to teach him a lesson by showing Bill his secret talents. So, he swooshed down, and used his laser eye to blind Arthur and his horse.
Arthur couldn’t control his frightened horse, but one of his dragons came to save the day by blowing fire on Spikey, who fell to the ground unconscious. Fuzzball became worried. It was his turn to take action. So, he swooshed down angrily. However, Bill stopped him.
“I can understand how you feel but you’ve got to learn to control your anger. This is how Arthur would want you to react and if you end up doing something destructive, it would be a huge price to pay. Do you get me?”
Fuzzball calmed down. Arthur was going to cheat again by charging towards Bill to knock him on the forehead. Instead, Bill charged towards him and beat him heavily on the forehead. Arthur screamed in anger. The other dragons came to the rescue, but the Black dragons stopped them by attacking them.
Spikey, who had begun to regain consciousness, saw what was going on. He blew two rings of fire for Arthur’s horse to get through. But Arthur’s horse easily jumped over the fires. To prevent Arthur from harming Bill, Spikey then blew snow, making sure that it was spread everywhere with no way out. To Arthur’s astonishment, the horse stood there freezing. Bill kicked it fiercely from both sides.
“Come on!” Arthur cried. “Move you stupid lazy horse. Show that dragon who’s boss. I can’t believe that after behaving like a knight’s horse for so many years, you let snow affect you. If you don’t fight, I will consider my dragons more useful than you which means I will get rid of you forever.”
The dragons blew fire on Spikey, who fell unconscious again and was unable to get up. They blew the snow out but Arthur saw their fearful faces.
“Bill and friends,” he said. “We feel we’ve treated you all badly just to gain victory but we’ve realised that winning isn’t everything so we’ve decided to patch up. Are we worthy of your forgiveness?”
Bill gave a pleased smile.
“Arthur, I’m glad you’ve changed. So yes, we are no longer enemies.”
Once Spikey regained his consciousness inside the entrance hall, Fuzzball asked, “Why did you have to do all this? Couldn’t you let us do the rest?”
Spikey replied, “Bill trusted me more, so I thought I was the one responsible for this task. And besides, since we’re his best friends and have always stuck as a team, I only thought that it would be fair to let me take this risk for you all. Friendship and teamwork is more important than winning all the time. This is an important lesson in life that, do you all get what I’m trying to say? Although I must add that I’m glad. Arthur, to see that you and your dragons have changed.”
Fuzzball became pleased after hearing Spikey.
“I’m proud of you,” he said. “Keep it up, my boy. And Arthur, would you and your
dragons like to come home with us and Bill?”
Arthur agreed straightaway and they all went back home happily together just like one big family.
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