Scary Dreams - Part 1
By anandkrishnan
- 280 reads
Chapter 1 - Henry living the dream
It was late at bedtime when Henry’s parents finished reading his favourite bedtime story. They kissed him goodnight and switched the lights off. Once he went to sleep, he dreamt he was in a beach playing volleyball. Suddenly he heard a loud growl from the bushes. He stopped, taken aback wondering what creature might be hiding there. He sneaked through the bushes and entered a huge forest. Then he saw it, a big brown monster with its head turned away sleeping. He went close to check if it was dangerous. And then closer still and just as Henry poked it to see if it was alive, the creature opened its big green eyes. Henry jumped up in fright screaming which made the monster scream and jump up too. But Henry stopped screaming when the monster ran away. What was going on? Was the monster more frightened of Henry than Henry was of it? Henry walked through the forest to see if he could find it and saw it hiding behind a tree. He smiled and just for fun sneaked up behind him.
“BOO!” he shouted.
The monster screamed turning back and saw the little boy again. Henry burst out laughing. The monster realised that Henry was a harmless person.
“Jeez, why did you have to follow me in the first place to frighten me when you know we both fear each other? I am not used to your kind which makes me scared since I’ve never come across things like you so why did you follow me and what are you?”
Henry replied smiling, “I’m Henry, a little boy and a human being. The reason I followed you is because I thought you might be a friendly monster. Is it ok if I could know your name?”
The monster smiled back. “Steve and I’m glad you think that, Henry, and nice to have met you.” They shook hands with each other. “Bye Henry,” he said and walked off waving.
But Henry blocked his way. “Wait a minute, can you please take me with you, Steve? I’m really interested in you and want to know if you have a lovely monster family who I could communicate with too?”
Steve replied. “No, you cannot come with me or meet my family. They are lovely but they won’t be towards you because they’re known to be the most vicious creatures to exist in the forest and will freak out once they see you. They will kill you because they can’t speak which means I have to do the explaining which is the difficult part. Trust me kid, it’s a bad idea so I suggest you go back to your own home. Goodbye.”
Henry refused to listen. “I don’t care what they’re like. I like you and want to meet your family and if they do attack me, you’ll protect me. So please can I come?”
Steve was stunned by this boy’s courage. “You sure have guts kid. I guess I have no alternative left then but to take you. But don’t say later that I didn’t warn you.”
Off they walked through the bushes, an excited Henry carried on Steve’s shoulders.
Chapter2 - Meet the family
They reached the place where Steve’s family was snoring. He crept up to his parents and gave them a soft nudge. The parents slowly opened their eyes. Seeing Steve smiling, they smiled back. Then he pointed at the new friend and in a flash his parents rushed towards Henry roaring with rage, ready to gobble him up. Henry ran screaming but Steve stopped him and carried him on his shoulder making signs to his parents which said, "Mum, Dad, relax. He’s a harmless little kid and my best friend.”
But his parents still growled at Henry, not believing their son, which made the boy’s heart thump. And then Henry felt so terribly tired and started yawning. The monster kindly laid Henry a bed to nap on.
"You've had a busy day. Sleep now, I'll keep an eye on you."
He smiled at the monster and kissed him by the cheeks as did the monster smiling back. As soon as the monster left him in peace, closing the door, Henry fell fast asleep. While he was sleeping. Steve’s parents sneaked slowly towards him and were about to pounce on him when the monster appeared and blocked their way. Henry woke up screaming.
“Mum! Dad!” Steve said in sign language. “I give you my promise he won’t harm you but be your best friend just like he is to me, trust me.”
His parents left snarling at Henry and the monster decided to sleep with Henry to keep him safe.
Chapter 3- Henry and Steve spend time with each other
After that, every day Henry and Steve sneaked silently out of the forest and into the bushes so that the monsters couldn’t hear them. There they had banter and played games with each other like hide and seek, pass the parcel, chanted nursery rhymes and walked in the garden breathing the fresh air. They tried their best every day to not get caught by the monsters because they wanted to have free time to themselves first so Steve could prove his parents wrong about Henry later. No matter how many times Steve snuck out with Henry, Henry could see that his parents wouldn’t notice or glance at them. Which made him reach to the conclusion that his parents would always hate and fear him so he decided to do the hardest thing.
“Steve,” he said, “I’m sorry to have to say this but I think it best if you let me go. Then you can remain happy with your family forever. Your parents have separated themselves from you and their hatred has grown even more towards me. I don’t wish to see you break relationships with your family. I hope you understand?”
Steve tried to convince him. “No, don’t do such a thing because I’ll miss you badly. I’ve always considered you my best friend. I’ll try my level best day by day until they approve and feel happy with you. In the meantime stay away from them. Please don’t talk about leaving.”
“I’m sorry, Steve, it won’t affect them no matter how many times you say it so I suggest you let me go, please, goodbye and nice to have known you.” Henry walked off but Steve blocked his way.
“I give you my word, Henry, that I’ll successfully convince them and they will agree, please stay.” Steve pleaded with his arms folded.
Seeing Steve’s sadness, Henry felt pity.
“I will, seeing that you desperately want me.”
Steve hugged him, carrying him off the ground close to his shoulders and feeling blessed. “Thank you so much, Henry.”
During night when Steve was fast asleep, Henry decided to go and find out why the monsters hated him so much so he sneaked quietly out of his tent and into theirs and peeped over. The monsters were chatting in sign languages, planning how to kill Henry saying what approach they’d use first. Henry gasped which the monsters couldn’t help hearing and turned to see Henry, giving nasty grins which creeped the hell out of him so he clasped his hand over his mouth. He ran away with the monsters chasing him roaring.
Just as Henry’s lungs were about to explode from the running, Steve appeared.
“Kid, have you lost your mind? Go inside the tent and I’ll deal with the rest.”
Henry smiled, “Thank god you came, Steve,” and went inside.
Steve asked, “Kid, tell me something, do you have a hobby of getting yourself killed? Why don’t you listen to me?”
“It wasn’t like I didn’t take your advice onboard,” Henry replied, “which is why I sneaked quietly to their tent. I wanted to find out why they hate me so much since I’m staying here with you, I want to shape up with them.”
Steve replied, “I understand, Henry, but this isn’t the right way and there’s no need for you to know everything. Have a goodnight sleep, goodnight.”
Henry replied, “Goodnight,” but still was curious about this mystery.
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