The Blank Page
By Bradene
Sat, 18 Oct 2008
- 1469 reads
Smooth, white crisp
and inviting
lying upon the desk
like a new born
awaits life to mark it.
What will be written here?
will it be exciting ?
Shall a soupcon of wisdom
fall upon it
or shall a fool have claim?
Will the eventual
legend inlaid here upon
be treasure,
read and re-read, revered
to the fullest measure.
Filed away,
to turn yellow with age?
Or will a careless hand
blot the ink,
Crumple it, crush it and
toss away the page ?
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Do you know, Val, I often
Permalink Submitted by Silver Spun Sand on
Do you know, Val, I often ask myself these selfsame questions when I am about to start a new blank page with all good intentions. Usually it stays blank, unforunately:-) I don't know about you, but I always tend to get my best 'inspirations' at the most inopportune of times. Like in the middle of the night or indeed the middle of the supermarket.
Enjoyed your poem. It made a pleasant Saturday morning read.
Tina xx
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This poem aptly describes
Permalink Submitted by luigi_pagano on
This poem aptly describes the dreaded 'writers' block' when the mind goes blank and self-doubt creeps in. Don't worry, dear Val. Inspiration will soon come and you will produce one of your little gems for which you are noted.
Luigi x
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I always find smooth white
I always find smooth white crisp sheets intimidating. The best stuff seems to be scribbled notes on plane tickets, old envelopes and such. Half the fun is decyphering them later.
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