I Had My Dreams ( I. P.)
By Bradene
Thu, 02 Dec 2010
- 1987 reads
I had my dreams in years gone past,
Some were to fade, some were to last.
Some involved affairs of the heart,
Some were doomed from the very start.
But one, just one, I still hold fast,
To be a poet, a dream cast
Then set in stone and unsurpassed.
My words will live though I depart,
I had my dreams.
Those dreams of fame, in youth amassed
I hold them close and tightly clasp
Close to my breast for they are part
Of who I am, so I remark
Once again quite unabashed
I had my dreams.
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A wonderful take on the IP,
Permalink Submitted by MistakenMagic on
A wonderful take on the IP, Val. And hey - you're living your dream here on ABC without a doubt ;)
Magic xxx
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new Bradene Lovely
Permalink Submitted by Cavalcader on
new Bradene
Lovely poem,never give up on
dreams,whether old or young, may can
come true."If you wish upon a star"
who knows
julie xx.
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You are so good at all these
Permalink Submitted by Silver Spun Sand on
You are so good at all these 'complicated' poetic forms, Val. I take my hat off to you;-) Me - I'm always defeated before I start.
The sentiment of this poem rings true for many of us:-)
"I hold them close and tightly clasp
Close to my breast for they are part
Of who I am..."
Tina x
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