By narcissa
- 794 reads
I had a pot of jealousy
That bloomed, silky, on the window sill
Tendrils twining
Often to ensnare
I saw it grow and devour
It pushed out along the wall
And captured grass in a vice-like embrace
Kissing innocent butterflies
I, an unsuspecting fool,
Gave life to this towering green
Fed it unashamed
I wish I had nipped and stopped
My jealousy
In the smouldering bud.
As days went by I saw the vines strengthen their grip
Their hold on the garden
Creeping over the lawn
It slipped in through cracks in the bushes
And wound around tree trunks
Then it started on the house.
Soon all the surfaces were covered
With leaves and more swelling buds
That popped and sent seeds further inside
I remember the smell of honeysuckle
And still I let it roam.
I felt it twine around my body
And jealousy blossomed.
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