K - Cold Chicken pie
By gail
- 855 reads
Friday 6 Sept.
A and C have gone to Stockholm today. Actually they are stuck at
Heathrow, waiting for their plane to leave. Apparently there was some
smoke after they got on so they all had to get off and are now waiting
in the VIP lounge.
Flat is still bustling with viewers and questions being asked. A flurry
of activity but no more offers yet. The lady at the estate agents seems
better than the bloke I was dealing with before.
They still haven't replaced the board which was abducted, probably by
another jealous estate agent. Nasty business.
D and I are off to the pub for lunch today. Only a couple more Friday
lunchtimes in the City left. More importantly, only 8 more commutes -
hurrah! This morning was pretty horrendous having to stand up all the
way. Oh what fun.
B is waiting at Stockholm airport probably for A and C. I would explain
to him what is going on but his phone is switched off. Hopefully he is
not too bored and has figured out what is going on.
Off to munch cold chicken pie now before the pub.
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