Many Hands
By don_passmore
- 851 reads
Many hands have known her but she was my first love.
Some implied she rode too freely her head was easily turned.
Elegant, beautiful, bewitching, others said a cow.
Talked about in bars she is from Malacca to Quebec.
Many lads have loved her, just as I love her now.
Wide of beam they say. too meagre in the waist.
Big on top, too hard. Harridan from Hades. painted Jezebel.
To me a comely lady. as exciting as plankton at the bow.
Many men have used her from Pennang to Maracibo.
Chesapeake to Honalu, and from Hatras to the Horn.
Worked her even beat her down the roads of Caribi.
Loved, abused, neglected her. and oft cast her adrift.
Many diverse nationals have employed the trade she plies.
Turks, Greeks and Chinamen from Bombay and Samakand.
She's given berth to Lascas, Filipinos. Nips and Spics,
Monrovian, Latts, and Negroid Jews, have her cabins shared.
Many guys, long engagements. she's been tied up more than once.
She's a gorgeous gracious painted lady known in many lands.
Harlot, home, employer, to all the men who've known her.
But confused by many lubbers as just another rusting tramp.
by Don Passmore.
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