The Story of the Traveling Android Scenes 1 &2
By dermott2
- 587 reads
Scene 1
Place: Outside a restaurant.
Time: The future
Setting: It is night and a young man in a waiter’s uniform walks out of a restaurant He is meet by a man with a beard and long white hair. His clothing is bright silver and he wears bright green boots.
Waiter: Sorry sir, we have just closed.
Old Man: That is okay, for I have not come to eat. (Then he stands in silence.)
Waiter: Is they’re anything I can help you with, Sir.
Old Man: No, but I can help you.
Waiter: (fear comes over his face) Look old man, I don’t have time for this. I am very busy. (He starts to walk away.)
Old Man: Yes I know. You are busy handling money for the mob.
(The waiter freezers and pulls out a pistol. He shoots the old man several times, but it has no effect. The Old Man stands and remains silent. The waiter is frightened and backs away, throwing his gun on the sidewalk.)
Waiter: You’re not a man! What are you!
(The old man approaches and knocks the Waiter to the ground. he places his hand on the Waiter‘s shoulder and he starts to scream)
Waiter: Ahhh! You have burnt me! What are you? Please don’t kill me!
(The old man holds out his arms arm ascends into the air. The Waiter stands up, rubbing his shoulder. The old man comes back down, standing in front of the Waiter.)
Waiter: I know what you are. Your a ghost and you have come to haunt me.
Old Man: No I am not a ghost. I was once a man of flesh, just like you. But I am now an android.
Waiter: You mean to tell me that you are a piece of machinery that was once a man?
(The Old Man opens his shirt. His chest and stomach are wires and circuits.)
Waiter: You are right. You have no skin or flesh. Just circuits and wires. But you said you were once a man of flesh. How did you become a robot?
The Old Man: My young friend. You need to hear my story.
Waiter: But you said that you have come to help me. You seem to know who I am.
The Old Man: I do know you. And I hope my story can help you.
Waiter: I must say that I am interested. Let’s have a set.
(The Light deem, ending scene 1.)
Scene 2
Setting: As the Old man tells his story. A picture of ship is flying toward a bright green planet
Old Man’s Voice: It was long ago, before colony stations were built in space. I was a young man, who was a crewmember of an exploration ship. We came across a planet of extreme beauty. It was bright green and it glowed in space. My Captain named the planet St. Patrick.
(As the Old Man speaks, the ship lands upon the planet’s green surface. Then the scene goes inside the ship’s conference room. The room is filled with men, who are wearing shiny uniforms of blue and yellow.)
Old Man’s Voice: After the ship landed on the planet’s surface, The Captain called all the crew to the conference room.
Captain: Ladies and Gentleman, I have decided on who will go with me to explore the planet’s surface. First two officers, Lt Rachel, and...
Old Mans Voice: She was a very beautiful woman I might add.
Captain: ... Science Officer Clark. Six Crewmembers, Lumm, Starr, Becker, Ricks, Ellis, and...
Old Mans Voice: My heart was pumping fast as the Captain called out the sixth name.
Captain: ... Tucker.
Old Mans Voice: To say the least, I was overjoyed. Not only did I want to explore the planet’s surface, but to be with Lt.Rachel. We were secretly in love.
(The scene fades way. The Old Man and the Waiter appear back at a park bench.
Waiter: Excuse me sir. But it seems that your story is going to be rather long. I have worked all day and I am hungry. Would you come to my apartment, and finish your story there.
Old Man: Please Forgive me. I tend to forget that people of blood and flesh get tired and hungry.
Waiter: Thanks, I really want to hear your story.
(The two stand up from the park bench and start walking down the street. The light fades, ending scene 2.)
More to come.
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