The Story of the Traveling Android Scenes 10&11
By dermott2
- 965 reads
Scene 10
Setting: Outer space, the pirate ship, and the waiter’s apartment.
Old Man’s Voice: I had seen a pirate ship before, but this was the first time that fear hdid not come upon me.
(Tucker has his arm out, flying in the direction of the pirate ship. The ship is old and
Old Man’s Voice: As I began to get closer to the ship, a heavy bolt struck me.
(A beam comes from the ship, striking Tucker. His entire body is in flames.)
Old Man’s Voice: Fire surrounded my body, but only my clothing was burnt. For the first time I noticed that my entire body was circuits and wires. Only my head and hands looked human.
(The ship turns around to flee.)
Old man’s Voice: I determined that fear must have come upon them. Because the ship changed directions, and attempted to speed away. But my speed was greater and I grabbed hold of the ship. I found the hatch that served as the ship’s entrance.
(Tucker goes inside the ship and is met by three dirty men.)
Old Man’s Voice: Three pirates were there to greet me. They began to shoot, but the bullets did no harm. One of the men came forward, but I put my hand out to stop him. Then for the first time, I realized my hands had the power of fire.
1st Pirate: Ahhh! He has burned me!
(The other two grab him and pull him back. They are shaking, and fear is in their eyes.)
2nd Pirate: What do you think this thing could be?
3rd Pirate: He is a demon!
Tucker: I am not a demon. I am an android that was once a man.
2nd Pirate: What do you want?
Tucker: I do not want anything, and I am sorry for burning your friend. All I want is to return to earth,
2nd Pirate: (Looking at the 3rd Pirate.) Take him to the clinic. I will take the android to the Captain.
( 3rd Pirate puts the arm of the 1st Pirate over his back and the two depart. Tucker follows the 2nd Pirate down a dimly lighted hallway. They enter the control room. A man
in his fifties in the only present. He is toothless, scarred face, and sitting in a large chair.)
2nd Pirate: Captain, This being that has entered our ship is an android.
Captain: I see that.(Standing to his feet smiling.) Do you understand me?
Tucker: Yes I do. I am from Earth and was once human. I wish to go home.
Captain: We are outlaws! If I got near Earth, we will be arrested.
Tucker: But let me warn you not go further. If you do, your ship could be destroyed.
2nd Pirate: Captain, We cannot destroy him. We shot him several times. His hand are hot as fire. He burnt Jim very badly.
Old Man’s Voice: The smile left the Captain’s face. He was now afraid.
Tucker: Do not worry Captain. I do not want to hurt anyone. Just grant my request.
Captain: Besides going to earth. Is there anything else you want.
Tucker: Since you burnt my clothing. I may look more human if you gave me some more.
Captain: (Looking at the 2nd Pirate.) Get him some.
Old Man’s Voice: The pirate went over to a locker and passed me a silver jump suit.
2nd Pirate: We have two sets of boots. One pair is red and the other is green.
Old Man’s Voice: I figured the green would always remind me of what took place on the planet of St. Patrick.
Tucker: I will take the green ones. (Looking to the Captain.) All I ask that you get close enough to earth without being seen. I can make it the rest of the way.
Captain: Fair enough. Anything else?
Tucker: I want to tell you my story.
Captain: ( Looking over to the 2nd Pirate.) Leave us.
2nd Pirate: Yes sir.
(Scene fades back to the Waiter’s apartment.)
Old Man: So I told the Captain the story that I have just told you.
Waiter: Did anything else happen before you made it back?
Old Man: Yes it did. And I discovered what I was to do in the years to come.
Scene 11
Setting: The scene has went back inside the pirate ship. It shows the Captain and Tucker seated and facing each other.)
Pirate Captain: Good man, you have been through a lot. I will be happy to take you back to Earth.
(The Pirate Captain puts his hand on the speaker button.)
Pirate Captain: Riggs! Get in here.
Riggs Voice: Yes sir.
(Riggs is the second pirate. He enters the control room.)
Riggs: What can I do for you sir?
Pirate Captain: Riggs, we are going back to Earth.
Riggs: Earth! but sir...
Pirate Captain: (interrupts, raising his arm) Look Riggs. I have heard this good man’s story, and I am deeply touched by it. I am getting old and tired of being an outlaw. I will take the ship no further than Mars. From there we will depart in my personal shuttle. Afterwards the ship is yours.
Riggs: Yes sir.
(The scene shows the pirate ship flying in space. It then fades, and Mars is seen in the background. A small capsule departs from the pirate ship. The scenes fades again, and shows the small capsule headed for Earth. As the scenes are changing,the Old Man
voice narrates.)
Old Man’s Voice: It took us two weeks to reach Mars. The Captain and I departed in his shuttle to Earth. When we landed at the port in New York, I vanished. And the Pirate Captain turned himself over to the authorities
( The scene goes back to the Waiter’s apartment.)
Waiter: Sir, your story is interesting. But how can it help me?
Old Man: My friend, Don’t you see that my sins caused the death of my crew.? They were innocent and I was guilty. You must do what is right.
Waiter: Like the Pirate Captain, you think I should turn myself in.
Old Man: You collect money for Little Rudy. He takes advantage of people. Just like the Old Woman that was here earlier.
Waiter: Yeah I do and, Little Rudy is coming tonight to get the brief case.
Old Man: I know that. He will be here in a few moments.
Waiter: What should I do?
Old man: Don’t give him the money.
(A knock on the door is heard. The Old Man disappears, and the Waiter gets up from the couch holding the briefcase. He opens the door. A small man, in a three-piece suit and slick hair, enters the apartment. It is Little Rudy.)
Waiter: Hey, Rudy.
Little Rudy: Did everyone pay up?
Waiter: Yes
Little Rudy: The Old Woman?
Waiter: Paid in full.
(After a few moments of silence, Little Rudy holds out his arm.)
Little Rudy: Well! Hand it over!
Waiter: No!
(Little Rudy pulls out a pistol.)
Little Rudy: Hand it over!
(The Old Appears. Little Rudy is frighten and starts to shoot. But the bullets do not effect the Old Man. He runs out of bullets and is shaking all over. The Old man grabs a hold of Little Rudy. He struggles and screams.)
Little Rudy: Ahhhh!!!!
(His body becomes a ball of fire. After the fire dies down, all that is left of Little Rudy is skeleton that is burnt black. The black skeleton hits the floor and turns to ashes. A police siren is heard from a distant.)
Waiter: What shall I do now?
Old Man: Wait for them.
Waiter: I can take going to jail. But the mob is going to catch up with me one day. And when they do, I will die.
Old Man: Don’t worry about that. They will never lay a hand on you.
Waiters: Thanks, Old Man. You are true friend. Will I ever see you again?
Old Man: No you will not. But remember, when your life will be in danger, I will always be there for you.
(The Old Man disappears and the Waiter is left holding the briefcase.)
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