A City's Fall
By asdrawr55
- 310 reads
I went down to the fields
For my usual morning ride
Behind me was my home city
The country's soul and pride
The wind would greet my coming
And I would see the willow tree
I would sleep soundly in its shade
And dream of worlds beyond me
I awoke to the smell of smoke
And the tree and wilt and decayed
I vaguely saw a winged figure
And that the whole sky had been grayed
I know that this is a dream
How come I have not awoke?
The angel then turned to me
With an unmoving mouth it spoke:
"Listen, foolish mortal!
And tell of what you see
For God's wrath is upon them
And will not hear their pleas
Listen, foolish mortal!
For the time of judgement has come
For their days of debauchery
Have finally met their sum
They chased after false gods and idols
And became an object of God's wrath
They had a chance for repentance
But they alone chose this path
Look there, foolish mortal!
See the fall of the strong and great
Look how pride had blinded them
Now damnation is their fate
Despair, foolish mortal!
And watch your city burn
For there are those that follow it
And soon it will be their turn
Listen, foolish mortal!
And tell of what you hear
For my words are from high above
And instill their hearts with fear
Tell this also to the righteous
Who are too far and few
Tell them of the coming wrath
Before they are taken too
Know this, foolish mortal!
Nothing ever truly dies
Watch the gates of hell open and
Hear the song of a million cries
Go now, foolish mortal!
And do as you were told
Proclaim that none will be spared
From the rich, poor, young and old."
I went to do what he told me
But I couldn't believe what he said
I went back against all reason
And went to the city instead
And as I watched the burning city
Something inside of me had died
"No,no this is happening
That talking bird had lied!"
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