Einstein's song of relativity for commuters
By barenib
Mon, 13 Sep 2004
- 1199 reads
Einstein's song of relativity for Commuters
Before I start to sing,
There's just one little thing:
Please try to miss the rush hour, I implore you!
But if you take the faster train
While I take the slower train,
Then I'll be in the station just before you!
My appearance may seem funny
But my disposition's sunny -
If you maximise your space-time I'll adore you!
So you take the underground
While I walk the long way round
And I'll be in the city just before you!
If my sums are rightly reckoned
It'll be a millisecond -
Every millisecond counts, I can assure you!
Why don't you go and chase promotion
While I study time and motion,
But I'll be rich and famous long before you!
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