By beautiful oblivion
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Do you know how people say they wish they were in an alternate world? That when they’re upset or angry; sad at the way things go, that they could go to a better place where things are easier? Well, that got me thinking about my special place. Which made me realize, I don’t actually have a special place. At least not in the literal sense. Think about it, your perfect world in which you get away from reality is just like reality. You still have the same things society has put in your path. The same, well, gravity.
The reason I don’t have an actual world is because I have no land. I am just a drifter, floating in space, if you will. When I want to get away from reality, I literally get away from reality. No suit, no ship, no oxygen. Just me and the stars God made for me. And there is no society, no logic. No knowledge of the stars and what they’re for. Just admiration for what the lord has created.
In the average world, you are still limited by what society has formed you into. You drive the coolest car, wear the most fashionable clothes, and have all the money. You still abide by the laws of physics, and your imagination remains in your mind. The life that the world has made us believe is ideal is the only thing that runs your fantasy.
Just think about it; if your reality husband isn’t great, you go to your getaway world where the husband’s ideal. But you are not truly escaping. You are merely manipulating a Barbie Doll dream into a fantasy that could be so much greater. The desire to get away is great, but the claws of reality are strong. Visualize your world. You don’t float do you?
Why don’t you float? Because gravity keeps you down so you don’t float away? Or merely because all your life, you’ve been told gravity pushes you down; so that when you finally get away, you can’t imagine life without physics. Why? You’ve been given this great gift of boundless imagination, to create things so magnificent, but you put a limit on it. And you have no one to blame for that but yourself. You have the perfect opportunity to completely get away, yet you still tether yourself to reality.
All my life, I’ve wanted to walk in space without a suit. But everyone told me I couldn’t. They say that without a suit, I would die from lack of oxygen because space is a vacuum. And they tell me that without gravity I would float away into oblivion. But isn’t that my destination anyway? To go to a place that is totally opposite what this world hurts me with? And has anyone ever tried breathing or walking in space? Or is it simply that way because physics says it’s so, and people can’t wrap their minds around the fact that the creativity of imagination is beyond physics? Maybe perhaps it is just a startling lack of faith.
Gravity, that is an extremely powerful word. Why is something so simple responsible for the making of Man’s reality? Through all the years where man has proven themselves intelligent and creative, gravity seems to stop them at a limited imagination that would otherwise encompass many things; simply turning us back into apes, still trying to make the wheel round. That word limits us at trivial things. The need for food, sleep, oxygen. The science of physics. Mathematics. In the end it all does the same job of weighing you down. It is there to keep you from floating off into another plane of existence. All it is Gravity.
So if the special place shouldn’t be what society has warped it into, what should it be? Well, I can tell you, I float. I float in a vacuum where there is no need for oxygen or physics. Gravity has enough of me in reality; when I want to get away, my world is all mine. So therefore my world is not a world at all. Society can try all they want, but nothing can warp my imagination, and nothing should.
I believe John Lennon had it right when he said, “Imagine there’s no countries”. What is a country? What is the ideal person or the ideal dream? The definition of the Five Freedoms has changed over time. What happened to “Nothing is impossible”? When did creation belong in the hands of concrete? When the greatest things are abstract, why does an imaginary world have to be so logical? The worst disaster is to have an imaginary world based on logic. Imagination is what we make of it, not what someone or something else makes of it, so why can’t it simply be what we want it to be? No restrictions, no limitations. A world where you can actually get away. The ideal fantasy is not what reality, what society, says it should be. The ideal fantasy has no rules, has no Gravity.
So float.
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I can remember having dreams
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