By Twelvestopsandhome
- 766 reads
An open room, white,light and airy. A Doctor sits on an arm chair with a note pad and pen poised
in his lap. He does not write anything and hasn't written anything.
The child sits opposite him on a plastic chair -like the ones you have in school- casually
swinging his legs, hands on the edge of the seat, he is staring at the Drs top button which has been done up on the wrong hole.
The Dr glances up from his blank papers, and stares through the child. Legs crossed.
Dr: So, what is it that you've been drawing everywhere?
Child: (brightly) Wings.
Dr: Wings? And what do these 'wings' look like that you draw?
(Child stops swing his legs, looks into the Drs eyes and smiles)
Child: beautiful.
(After a pause the child starts to swing his legs again happily looking around the room not focusing on one object for too long)
(Dr clears throat, and crosses legs over the other way, shifts in seat leans forwards slightly)
Dr: And why are they beautiful? what makes them special?
(Child still looking around the room)
Child: Speacial?
(turns head on the side and looks at the Dr)
You think they're special?
(shaking head)
No, no, no, no, no they're not special (stops shaking head)
they are (whispers) beautiful. (whispers even quieter) and alive (giggles)
(Child leans back in chair streching looking left then sits up and pulls on the top part of
his sleaves waving his arms)
(Dr in a thoughtful pose; elbow on thigh; hand on chin)
Dr: Could you perhaps, draw me some of you wings?
(Child stops moving and curls up in his chair making himself as small as possible;hand goes
up to face [mouth area] and starts to shake his head again)
Child: (quietly) No. no, no no no no. I.. I.. can't do that
(trying to hide face with hand and shoulder but also looking at the Dr)
( both hands on face, turns forward, leans forward)
they're not mine
(both hands around mouth eyes looking up swaying side to side gently and giggles)
(Dr starting to become slightly uncomfortable with the way in which the childs
emotions change so rapidly, wondering whether to question further but curiosity gets the
better of him)
Dr: If they're not your wings
(Tilts towards the child and says quieter but not
quite whipsering) then who's are they?
(Child leans towards the Dr grinning,streching legs out)
Child: (While shaking head) I can't tell you
(child leans back in the chair swinging legs and humming away happily smiling to him self)
(The Dr still trying to work out whats happening about to ask a question
but cannot think of one so deflates back in to chair)
The image on stage freezes until the lights had faded completely and curtain fallen.
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I really enjoyed this. Had
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