By C_A_JONEStechno
- 640 reads
This little piggy set it up.
This little piggy organised it.
This little piggy called the big boys.
This little piggy's a disguised git.
This little piggy, that little piggy,
All little piggies are the same -
I like the one that goes 'Wee wee wee.'
As his life goes down the drain.
This little piggy played the hero.
This little piggy was 'The Man'.
This little piggy was a moron
And looked like a fool again.
This little piggy, that little piggy,
All little piggies are despised.
I like the one who lost his marbles
When the trick was realised.
This little piggy planned a kidnap.
This little piggy wasn't nice.
This little piggy took me for a ride
And violated my rights twice.
This little piggy, that little piggy,
All little piggies go insane.
I like the one who screams 'Noooo!!'
As the acid eats his brain.
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