The Boy Who Makes Your Nose Tingle
By Cameron N
- 420 reads
If you meet a boy who makes your nose tingle, marry him. Because if he can make your nose tingle, then he can make your spine shiver and your toes dance and your hair buzz and your lungs stop. You may meet a man who makes you weak in the knees, or who gives you intense butterflies in your stomach. But those symptoms could just as easily be the results of bad circulation or an expired Brogurt...but a tingling in the nose, that's true love. The nose is a critical tool in the love detection process. It can only be affected by the most subtle of cues, and its reactions are involuntary. If you don't believe me, take a minute to think -- have you ever chosen to sneeze? No. More often than not, you were caught by surprise, and found yourself wondering, "Who is wearing a sweater made of cat hair?" Or "Is someone in here wearing Axe??" And like a good, wholesome sneeze, love can find its way to your well-trained schnozzle. Especially when you least expect it.
When your bloodhound of a nose finally does pick up on your very own Prince Charming, you may want to hold your breath and run as fast as you can. But my advice to you, as someone who has experienced this herself, is to stick it out a while and really smell the roses. I met a boy, not too long ago, who tingled my nose. I didn't want to believe it at first. And I fought the verdict of my very own little sniffer. But as I inhaled deeper, I began to feel the vibrations as they swept through my shoulders and out to my hands, electrifying my fingertips and kicking my heart into a blood-pumping frenzy. I've always known that smell is the most important sense out of the five, that it connects most intimately with memories and feelings in a sort of synesthesia soup. But never in my wildest dreams did I expect him to be the one to have the key and turn the lock to a smelling sensation.
Perhaps at this point the metaphor has become somewhat overwrought. But then so is falling in love, is it not? It wracks our minds and bodies like the most wonderful of sneezes, and it makes us feel as warm and fuzzy as the smell of a home-cooked meal to remind us of childhood. So give the unexpected nose-tingler a chance. He could end up the perfect concoction of sensory delight, mixed just right to bring your every nerve ending to life.
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