Teachers know best.. Apparently.
By Caolan_le_Paddy
- 609 reads
‘Get down from there!’
His voice carried through the air,
As he pointed with his finger.
‘If you linger any longer
You’ll fall and break neck
And leave a dirty wreck
Because I know best
And you know not’
That’s all I seem to hear
From the teachers around here
“Because I know best
And you know not”
I seem to get the picture dear
I can hear you loud and clear
I just don’t see the point
Since only Teachers know best
And I know not.
Get away from there!
His voce carried through the air,
As he pointed with his finger.
‘If you linger any longer
Those snakes will bite you Jake
And give you a stomach ache
And I make no mistake
When I say you’re a prat
And act like a silly *ahem*
Because I know best
And you know not.’
Can a man not walk the halls?
On his way to the stalls?
So I put my pet snakes on the walls
It was an experiment sir
I swear it on me-
‘That’s enough boy
With your mindless toys
And endless noise
Straighten your poise
And get back to class
Because I know best’
‘And I know not.’
I’ve had enough of these games
And these insane claims
That teachers know best
So what if I break some bones?
And hit Jones with stones
We’re not mindless drones
Who all act like clones
Get off my back sir,
I know you’re wrong
I’ve known it all along.
‘Get down from there!’
‘Or what sir?
Or I’ll break a wall
Or start a brawl
Or slip in the halls
And make mindless calls
To people from Tibet
I’m a human sir
And you must concur
That you prefer
Not to shout my name
For every step I take
From every breath I make
And ever insane idea that pops to my head?’
‘You’re late boy
Get back to class
Or your teacher will have a blast
Smacking your round-’
‘Alright sir I’m going
I’m leaving
I’m off
See ya sir
So long’
While stuck in my moment of glory
I feel I’ve told a good story,
But the truth unfortunately
Always ends the same
And although I find it very lame
I’m afraid I have to say,
Teachers know best
And I know not.
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