' Naughty Naughty Boy'
By Cavalcader
- 868 reads
The latest craze in fashion
10 Cat's wearing hats
in the paper
I think this is wrong
To be fitted by
an elastic band
do they think
they are lady Ga-Ga's
I have two fasciliators
one style is very small
cerise pink
size of an orange
The other rose red
with black whispey
spirals on
shaped like a half moon
My neighbour's beautiful
black cat 'Jazz'
"Green Eyes" was crying
out-side the other night
I opened the door
nobody in sight
looked out later
called his name
There he was
came running in
his cry was like
help! help! help
Another cat
was chasing him
no room on the chair
he cries aloud
trying to tell
Me something
jumps up right in front
of me on the computer"
"dear" dear" I say
"what is wrong with you"
runs through
to the bedroom up
on the duvet
Trying get off to sleep
I have the camera
in one hand
so now is my chance
Got the two hats
out of the wardrobe
I already stroked
And pacified him
'Jazz' looked up
as I tried to
take a different
snap of him
Oh! No
he was having
none of that!
his claws came
Out fast as the
hat fell on the duvet
I shouted quick! quick!
for mine come and help me
No reply by then
'Jazz' put the
the net in his mouth
chewing chewing it
Luckily I untangled him
"You Naughty Naughty"
boy I said to him
had to put him outside
Wait for his master
to come back
as we going
to bed
But on the return
of the great
'Wheatsheaf' night
in London
was sitting on
our low wall
but 'jazz'
The comfort cat
with the big
green eyes
waiting for us
To let him in
how? did he know
we were out
and lights not on
All was forgiven by me
the next day the post
arrived I'd won £9
was it 'jazz' again
Or the money spider
that spun down
the previous day
in front of me
All comments please
as first in paper and can find
the 10 cat's etc;
click onto!
myself I ws going to
describe them,
and their coats
that are all in different
hats like stetson witches
and so on, not sure if allowed
as not my picture! photos.
Person who makes them?
Mine says "wouldn't be aloud
Would been good.
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Hi Julie, just letting you
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