'When I Was Young'
By Cavalcader
- 3616 reads
I hated to eat winkles
my dear pop would say
take the cap off with a pin
and twirl the inside out
'Julie' replied with a shout!
"they are so gristly dad"
he replied "just pop them
in your mouth"
He could swallow scallops down
on the sandy seashore beach
I'd stand and watch
as my my lips went into a pout
When we got home
mum had got the tea all ready
and a prawn sandwich
uncovered left on a plate
Mum 'Violet' decided to go and change
back she came as a Queen
the colours she wore
were to the extreme
High heeled black shoes
and red lacey stockings
a basque , red and cream
long gloves,with finger's of stone rings
A pink boa
to match a feather in her hair
as mum waved her bent hand in the air
saying 'come hither my dear'
My pop's eye's blew out of his head
'I've never seen
anything like this'
he said
Mum 'Violet
said "It is come dine with me
wear what you like
in costumes supreme"
Pop was dressed as a cowboy
brown trilby
beige trousers
and a tassle coat
Open neck shirt
polished brogues
with spurs on
and a whip in his hand
The doorbell rang
it was crazy 'Daisy'
dressed as a multi coloured pansy
she was shown into the room
But sneaky! green eyes
the lovely black cat
had smelt the prawn sandwich
and rolled on the mat
Won't touch the food normally
just sniffs at everything
and turns his back on me
He's looking forward to his nap
Jazz was jealous that day
as 'julie' hadn't stroked
and tickled him
I asked "how are you to-day?
Then he flashed by
staring dominantly with his green eyes
mouth opened wide
teeth gripping tight
Were the ends of the 'prawn sandwich'
dangling down
looking like a
prawn cocktail on a glass
"Jazz" loved to be tempted
with a spot of clotted cream
he would lick off my finger
till it was clean
One time I was going out
and opened the door
he'd be facing me
I would say "hello! are you coming in?"
He is a cat that wants affection
as boys do! noses into everything
a vase with a sprig of mistletoe
trying to drink the water within
Or sits on the table
looking at his reflection
in the computer
or glances out the window
A global empty vase
'Jazz' would peer into
his head nearly stuck
Oh dear! he is not my cat
He knows when to go out
his paw around the door
quite often if I am not about
'Jazz' will be waiting for me on the low wall
Most of all he loves
the duvets
to curl up
in a ball,
So we all had to have chicken pie
and pop's drowsy
home-made dandeline wine
we were all sozzled and kissed au revoir
But 'Daisy said 'come on 'Vic'
play us a tune on your silver spoons
mum tried to sing the song
'Whip crack a way whoo'
How? did 'Daisy'
know pop's name
I remember now
he said she was in
The 'Squawking Jug Pub'
a green parrot named 'Romeo'
knew brazen little hussy Daisy
a pole dancer,played a dangerous game
'Mother would sing "hear my tears are falling'
Poor! 'Rags' the collie dog
stood on his feet howling!
to the sound of pop playing the violin
'Daisy' won first prize for the wackiest dress
ended up doing the splits
and catherine wheels across the room
for my beloved pop 'Vic'
At the end we all were
given red crackers to pull
and all the tags
said "I love you all"
Now I am much older
I would be bolder
maybe a 'Madame Pompadour'
with bouffant hair
Or just a 'Sleeping Beauty'
in a boutique dress
holding a fan,parasol,and mask
and 'Jazz' the cat in my arms.
'Julie' waiting for her Prince Charming to come!
Maybe 'Daisy' should have been
named 'Katherine' will!
all comments on this please!
Ideas! Approx: 600 words.
may have to cut the cat out,what do you think!
So added more about the cat! It's the present and past.
But wanted to make it more exciting!
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Hi julie, well you certainly
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Well done Julie spelling
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This is an excellent
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I agree with Magic, a
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Hi Julie, long time no see.
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good luck with the
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Fab recollection of some
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Hi Julie, I have just got
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