Neo Demon King, Part 2
By Charioth
- 377 reads
“WAITWAITWAIT, WHEN DID YOU GET THIS STRONG?!!!” Luzy-Fer voiced his last words.
In no more than five seconds “Humans do things to their own that I wouldn’t ever think of doing to one of mine” he whispered to Lucy-Fer's ear as he stabbed him with Nightmare, killing him on the spot.
His wings started to wither, and a dark essence flowed to Za-Tann which came from Luzy-Fer's body as he fell to the ground, when the fake Nightmare touched the ground, it cut it like paper and stopped about ¾ on the blade deep, now stuck on the rock roads of the city.
“Listen carefully Bel”
“YES!” scared, he now did respond.
“Humans! I am the Former Demon King! Za-Tann! I no longer have the interest on conquering he world like I did 50 years ago and to prove that, I will not only fix everything the demons just destroyed but also bring back all the ones they have killed today!”
With a snap of his finger, many blue lights emerged from his body, and went into the bodies of all the human that died defending the gate, also, the gate and the surrounding buildings were fixed as some bodies rose from the debris.
At first the soldiers were concerned; this was not the first time some demon had resurrected something, but they eased up as the corpses got rebuilt and woke up with only a headache at worst.
“My name is not Za-Tann anymore, its Zane and now I will leave to my lands far east and I'll take the demons that survived with me, but I can assure you: this city, or rather, the Humans, will never fear demons ever again, the war ended five years ago, remember that!!!”
“Now go” he ordered Belhe-Gor.
Without saying a word, Belhe-Gor disappeared from view within seconds.
“Now all of you, girls, march” another order, but it was for the demon survivors, which, some scared, some excited followed.
“Where the hell do you think are you going?!!!” a female voice, a young lady in a beautiful silver and golden armor with a black ponytail, Tomoe.
“To my house, you all will need some time to realize what had just happened”
“Father!” a long silence came after.
“Tomoe, this is an order, do not come to the house for a week! You understand?! And you keep walking!” he took a second to remind the survivors their orders.
“But I have questions! too many for they to wait a whole week!” she was angry.
“And I shall answer them all, but not here, not today” he started to slowly descend to the ground in front of Tomoe, as his feet touched the ground, the rocks melted, but no one felt the heat.
She was a little scared of that form, of Za-Tann, the most feared demon of all time but deep inside, she knew that he was still the one that saved her from those bandits four years ago, the one that taught her how to read and write, how to fight and to make friends.
“Endure this and you’ll become even stronger my girl” when he finished saying those words, he opened his arms for a hug.
She first looked back and saw An-Ne, her servants and Brandon paralyzed with fear, but she was not scared, just confused.
She took a step closer to Zane, than another one, and another one, finally in front of him, they hugged each other.
“One week, girl, remember that”
“I will, Father”
“Now is the time for me to go...” he got away from Tomoe and slowly transformed back into human form.
Zane walked slowly to the entrance, all the warriors, soldiers and fellow monster hunters stepped aside to let him through, even his female teammates that had feelings for him in the past and/or still have, once at the open gate and all the female demons just outside the walls, he looked back at Tomoe who was really far away, she wasn’t looking back at him. Zane let out a small chuckle and raised his hand as if to snap his fingers again, the demons ran to hide, the nearest humans to him stood back and other raised their weapons.
“Tomoe!” he screamed and she looked back, then...
Out of nowhere in front of Tomoe, a small and playful spherical Light Elemental no bigger than a golf ball appeared, it looked confused at Tomoe for a moment but ultimately it charged up at her face hugging her and rubbing its face onto hers, it was happy to finally meet her after like a year, Tomoe was really startled by this but she knew this little guy was no threat and smiled.
Zane also smiled at Tomoe reaction, and finally stepped out of the city, ordering the demons to move their asses, both literally and figuratively.
Tomoe at first just stunned by what has just happened started to cry and fell on her knees, once they confirmed that Zane was out of the city, An-Ne and Brandon got closer to Tomoe who was still crying and asked her what’s wrong, but she was smiling. She was crying out of happiness. This ‘trick’ was the one Zane used to calm Tomoe down several times on the past years, it was his way to say “I’m Here For You”.
Even after being resurrected by Za-Tann, looking him straight in the face, hugging him and seeing him transform back into Zane, she was still dubious, but once he used this trick, this one connection between the two of them, she was certain, Zane was the Demon King that everyone feared, everyone but she, she loved him, for he was the one who gave her a home, a name, a life.
Thank you for reading this one off, it ended up being a little bit longer than expected thus why there are two parts, that being said, i would like any feedback, not only on this one but also for my big proyect "Leech of the World" whose next part is coming soon. Once again Thank You for reading and i hope you liked it. -Charioth
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Again, wonderful imagination
Again, wonderful imagination and a great energy to your writing; some lovely images throughout, such as blue lights leaving bodies. There were some issues with tense changes, and other grammar points, over the two sections - I found these exercises really useful for helping with this area of my own writing:
Much enjoyed reading this story, and look forward to reading more of your work
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