Chapter 1 Excerpt-Just Another Day
By Chinobus
- 366 reads
His weapon made the mark. Tearing through the flesh of the creature he was assigned to eliminate. It staggered a few steps before belching forth a sickly yellow blood before collapsing to the floor. Marcus made his way towards it while his face remained as cold as the air around him. As the creature looked up with eyes of confusion he aimed his gun at it's head then fired. No hesitation. Not even a single circuit in his artificial body twitched.
"We are many. We are Law." He spat forth through his mechanical jaw with absolute conviction.
Finally at ease with the Act completed he tapped a list of commands which projected the the media before his left retina. Articles of the event which occured began to be filtered accordingly to match the Act which transpired currently in rhis reality. Marcus gave a sigh of bored acceptence that there were no witnessess which needed to be scrubbed. By now the media had already absorbed the information gathered then fabricated for the general public. Soon enough no one or no thing would remember what just happened. Memories were very easily manipulated thanks to their overseers assistance. A saving grace humanity so desperately needed to keep them from outright killing themselves.
He began to file his report to the main Archives which would be instantly streamlined to his represenitives ensuring that any form of legal action taken would grant Marcus immunity from being repurposed to a lesser office. As much as he didn't much care for the Act's he was designed to perform he would not enjoy being sent forth in the frontlines of an escalating trandimensional war. From his own personal experience within the system he had witnessed first hand the kind of atrocities they were forced to commit. Another life from a time he had purposefully erased from his memory filter. He then casually typed in recent listings of ships which would escort him back to his own personal reality. A retirement gift reserved by the overseers for such dedicated, brutal work Marxus carried out over so many lifetimes. Yet he remained unnmoved despite the fact he had to destroy countless millions of lives to earn it. Maybe he didn't deserve a peaceful life after so much senseless bloodshed. Memory filters ensured that any sense of remorse would be quickly replaced with euphoria and he turned his thoughts away from contemplating what cannot be undone. Finally the media brought up a ship readily available which brought forth a pallid image of the pilot. Marcus assumed that they must have had a bad day as well considering how it's eyes stared right at him in the empty pits of shattered emotion.
"Sector-Seven, requesting unit extraction. Class Remnant."
The pilot typed in the commands quickly which appeared to his own retina. A slight sense of shock washed over him but then quickly gained gis composure before responding back to Marcus.
"Permission granted, sending transport shuttle to designated location. Tracking. Confirmed. Welcome aboard, sir."
Marcus gave a respectful nod then sat down on the rubble of the streets which were a grave reminder of the aftermath of his targets path of destruction. He didn't know how many lives were lost due to this accidental tear in the continuum but he would make sure they would be given a proper burial once he forwarded it to his superiors. That is of course these civillians had any funerary traditions. It fascinated him how so many realities shared so many similarites with humanities own culture. While it took them decades to accept they were no longer alone in the universe it was small chips compared to how many realites they had yet to fully explore or understand. Quantum Media saw to it that no matter where humanity ventured every sentient being would know what they are as a collective. Either peacefully through diplomacy. Or sometimes through aggressive memory implantation; forcing these sentient entities to feel exactly as they do. Such was the way of life once humanity reached the pinnacle of the food chain. Unify or be reconditioned. A rigid doctrine that no force in existence could possibly fight against the ever growing mass of humans that swarmed every corner of the multiverse.
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