Schism Character Profile: Trevor Kellmen

By Chinobus
- 1138 reads
Alignment: Anti-Hero/Main Character
Name/Maiden Name/Aliases: Trevor Kellmen/Axel Curran
Age: Before Death: 17 In Afterlife:???
Height: 5'3
Weight: 128 lbs.
Birth Date: November 16th, 1982
Hair/Eye Color: Dirty Brown, Black
Birthplace: Found on doorstep of St. Lucas Mental Hospital
Other Facial Features/Appearance Details: Multiple transparent scars on various parts of his physical body, one eye has a pale film over it, wears a haphazard mask of unknown origin which is bolted tightly onto his face, twitches and spasms are common when nervous or in a socially awkward situation.
Dress/Style: Wears rugged clothes usually picked up and stitched together from corpses, always wears a damaged bomber jacket, knuckle gloves and rivet boots, usually unkempt and horrifyingly intimidating despite his short stature.
Description of Home: Born and raised in an institution since he was abandoned, he became well acquainted with numerous surgical tools and procedures which eventually evolved into a sado-masochistic enjoyment. Ran away at the age of twelve with then love interest and inmate Jezebel Andrews. Became a criminal to support Jezebels drug addictions which lead to both of their deaths.
Dominant Character Trait: Nihilistic/Sociopathic/Introvert
Secondary Character Traits: Deceptive/Cruelly Humorous/Inquisitive
Best Friend: None, even Jezebel is considered more of a thing of control rather than a love interest.
Other Friends: Considers his blades as his only allies, sometimes has dellusive conversations with them.
Enemies/Why: Society and Law has always been a constant factor in his personal war against the norms of society. Does not abide by the rules and attempts to make enemies with everyone/everything due to his upbringing and untimely demise. Secretly, his motivations are based on his inability to love and be loved by Jezebel even though she is the only one who has a direct connection with his remaining emotional complex.
Family: Siblings: Alice Brure/Janice Curran, Marcus Warner/Ronnie Curran Parents: Thomas Gauss/Frank Curran, Leslie Curran.
Sees Himself As: Survivalist and ego-manically superior to most human souls and entities.
Ambitions: Find and make amends with Jezebel, protect Alice Brure at all costs, find his original family.
Work/Life/Afterlife Experience: Master criminal and a master of surgical procedures, improvised weapons, and stealth. Has never had a job outside of the streets but does know numerous skills due to his love of books. Knows much more about Afterlife and it's inhabitants since his initial arrival but does not reveal how he knows so much to others.
Habits/Addictions: A constant smoker of Bog Weed, a vile drug of Afterlife, that he uses to dull the pain of his memories and violent urges. Occasional heavy drinker but despises the company of others in this state.
Why Is This Character Likable: Even though he has lived a violent, dark life/afterlife his sense of moral values and instinctive sense of protecting the people he cares about most gains the admiration and trust of Alice and Marcus; even though they disagree at times he always finds the middle ground. Also, he seems to be the most "human" of the characters because of his unending love and search for Jezebel and can become extremely emotional at times when his memories of her are triggered.
Why is this Character Lovable: His dark sense of humor and odd parables always shine a light in the darkest of times. When all is lost and no one else can fix the situation, he flings himself headlong into the fray without a second thought; putting his existence in danger to save everyone else.
Favorite Quote to Describe Himself: "I am not an anti to anything which will bring freedom to my class."
-Mary Harris Jones
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