Standard Procedure
By Chinobus
- 660 reads
The night reigned in hailing the noise of roaring cars and flickering lights. Doctor Hector Abbot scuried about his lab with a pasted look of sickening triumph when he adjusted his laptop and flicked the webcam on. Tonight after years of fruitless experiments on irrelevant subjects and tracking down the old bastards who held the key between his greatest scientific acheivement. A quantum leap in understanding the true roots of love and insanity were held within his viscious grip. Not that anyone cared he purposefully killed a group of ex-Nazi scientist. They were all dead the moment they stepped forth on this tarnished soil.
"Patients name is Bennet Kingsly. Diagnosed with intermitent explosive disorder. Currently admitted for first degree murder, manslaughter and assault and battery. Subject black listed for death penalty and volunteered for this evenings experiment. Proceeding with phase zero; severing and attatching cerebral modifications."
The drill hummed wickedly to life as it bore into the slumbering childs skull. Before Dr. Hector stood the greatest pearl if mystery and awe. The human mind. The most sacred of all life. The root of utter insanity.
"Subject has no damage to the cerebral cortex or substantial degredation to its main sensory receptors within the opcipital lobe. Subject is claimed to be unstable during intense moments of enviormental stimulation. Insanity caused, probobly, by imbalance neurons and oxytocin. Proceeding with phase one."
Swiftly clasping the silver scalped and gently guiding the device with utmost precision; Dr. Hectors eye flaired with joy at his soon-to-be perfect creation. The dull sound of brain matter lightly tearing and sloshing against his tools sent a chill down his decrepit spine. After an hour of slowly inserting the device into the disturbed boys brain he removed his gloves and thoroughly washed his hand after the last stitch was sown delicately into the subjects skull. Awaiting for his beautiful monster to awaken and perceive a new world. A world without pain or mercy
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Needs some proof reading.
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