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Having stolen plate, and silverware,
Laid nave and Altar dull and bare,
The thief so clever, stealth with cunning
Stood quiet, when the priest came running.
One blow from candlestick of gold,
Laid flat the priest, who very bold,
Had challenged thief, a heartless swine;
But blood from priest like communion wine,
Flowed crimson red into the crypt,
Where now the thief on steps had slipped,
Full twenty steps he tumbled down.
Confused and hurt, with concussed crown,
He slowly arose in pitch black dark,
And screamed, and cowered, in terror stark,
For spiders in their homeland played,
And miriads of webs had made.
The thief, so brave in many ways,
Could never face the arachnid race.
The body was found the following day,
His tortured soul, the price did pay,
For crimes so bad, in the eyes of God,
Ne'er to lay 'neath the hallowed sod.
Copyright Brian Kelly 1st. June 1997
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