By Lore
- 348 reads
Cold. The laminate floor was chilling against their bare feet waking them to the reality of their current situation. Their clothes had been taken and replaced with the medical bay’s standard issue robe and no care had been taken to protect their feet. Acclimatizing quickly, they pressed on. The day shift was yet to start and most of the patients were still sleeping. The area once so full of sound was now ominously quiet, only the faint beeps of the monitors retained. Lore was quiet on their feet moving quickly to the lift that had brought them. Pressing the summoning key, it dawned on Lore that they had no clue where they were actually going. The doors opened and the robotic woman requested a floor. Lore obliged and their adventure resumed. Expectedly, the lift was empty save Lore but that did little to blunt the inherent awkwardness Lore felt. With a brisk jolt, the doors opened revealing yet another uniform floor. Stepping out the lift, Lore wasn’t sure they had actually left the medical bay. Approaching the helpdesk and expecting a nurse, Lore sought help. To their surprise, a squat man approached. His attire was similar to that worn by the doctors but differed in colour. The man advanced to the helpdesk smiling at Lore until it dawned on them both that they were still in their medical robe.
“Can I help you? Perhaps guide you to another department?” He looked Lore up and down, fixating on their bare feet. “Maybe get you a pair of slippers for the return journey?”
“I’m looking for a Brian. Does he work here?” They hadn’t noticed the obvious tension between them and continued as if everything was perfectly normal.
“That’s my son, what do you need with him?” His awkward look dissolved to be replaced with one of increasing fear.
“All I’ve been told was to find him.” Lore’s lack of emotion only made the man more concerned.
“I’ll be just a moment then.” Reluctantly he slouched away, retreating to a nearby office. Voices could be heard through its closed door but Lore couldn’t quite focus on what was said. Eventually, the man returned Brian in tow. Upon seeing Lore, the mood shifted. Brian smiled and overtook his father. He crouched in front of Lore who had taken to a nearby seat whilst waiting.
“Welcome back.” He whispered before starting properly. “Yes sir, how can I help?”
“I was told to find you,” They began, “How are you?” There was no concern in their voice, Lore had learnt through prior experience that most conversations start with a greeting before moving to business. They weren’t sure why but it seemed to work for other people.
“Great now.” He smiled. Brian gestured for his father to leave
“Fantastic.” Noticing the two of them were alone. “Has your son won anything recently?”
“Sorry what?” Brian paused muttering ‘my son’ under his breath before realising “My son! Yes, my son has and I am very proud of him.” He parroted as if he had been practicing for this moment for months. “Follow me.” He smiled and rose from the uncomfortable crouch.
Together they walked the near silent halls, the only sound was that of Lore’s bare feet against the cold linoleum. Although the corridors and halls all looked the same to Lore, Brian seemed to have no trouble navigating them.
“You’re lucky, I was about to go off duty to allow the day shift to take over. Few minutes later and you would be looking at twenty years minimum for that.”
“For what?” Lore had no clue what he was talking about but inferred they should.
“The key phrase. Usage of key phrases and vocal passwords to disguise hidden agendas and organisations is strictly prohibited. Not like this is a hidden agenda but still.” Lore had no idea what they had gotten themselves in for.
Reaching their destination, a room decorated floor to ceiling with drawers, Brian picked up his pace. He was somewhere between a brisk jog and a run when he reached the ladder and begun sweeping it towards Lore. Securing it, he called Lore over and invited them to climb it.
“You’re looking for L52, should be about three quarters of the way up.” He said, looking around the various exits.
Climbing the ladder, Lore noticed the drawers had neither handles nor keyholes so began to panic however their fears were put to rest as they heard the confirmation click of a lock disengaging before their right wrist. Their Breacher seemed to be the key. Moving slightly down the ladder, Lore approached L52. Once again the lock disengaged allowing them access. Within the tray, Lore found the outfit from their dream, their staff, a small leatherbound book and a purple crushed velvet pouch. Removing the items and placing them over their arm, they began their descent. Now at the ladders feet, Lore sat examining the drawers contents. Setting aside the clothing and the staff, they focussed their attention towards the book and bag. Opening the book, Brian read the title.
“A comprehensive history of the inexplicable: The Angel of Time.” Brian said with a look of confusion. Evidently he hadn’t expected the books inclusion.
Setting the book aside, Lore hovered their hand over the bag. Without opening it they knew what was inside. Despite having no connection, for some reason it still broke their heart to see the simple black and blue band but, wrapped in further velvet, the bag contained something else. Hidden at the bottom and swaddled in a second, blue velvet bag another ring. Similar in design and size the purple banded ring was too small to fit Lore’s hand. Returning and carefully re wrapping it Lore couldn’t help smile.
“I’m coming.” They smiled and all was well. That was until the door opened. Disarray.
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I guess he'll get away, Maybe
I guess he'll get away, Maybe both of them will.
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