Street Justice - Part 2

By colin.b
- 91 reads
Finally, we arrive oan the scene. He parks ootside the boozer, cautiously. Yince the pair ae us hop intae the fresh air oor nostrils are immediately hooverin up the sickly smell ae ciggies. As tradition dictates the slum dwellers who caw the place their holiday haime are congregatin at the front entrance. Puffin awey in apparent unison whilst maire than likely bletherin aboot how their missus hus conclusively came tae her senses. Bailin efter the man ae hoose hus spunked their entire life savings intae yin ae they hypnotic machines at the bookies. Oan first glance this waterin hole appears tae be a disused bomb shelter, small and compact. Nae glitz and certainly nae glamour. A total dive in a city full ae complete and utter shiteholes. An ideal candidate though fur ma firms HQ. Since it’s practically impossible fur the pig brigade tae slide an undercover narc under the table. Especially when yae consider its clientele is a who’s who ae the mutts spendin their time oan this earth downin strong cheap cider at the Kirkgate. A factor that makes it easy pickins tae identify any new faces who decide tae pull up a stool at the bar. And an added advantage is that the dock workers often droap in fur a tipple. Yae offer thum a free drinkin session and they’ll present yae wae their grannies bank accounts. Never mind the inventory list ae whatever Japanese technology that’s waitin tae be liberated at the port.
We make oor wey inside and a few familiar pusses are eager tae greet oor arrival wae a sincere soondin ‘’Nice tae see yae, Aldo’’ and a gentle pat oan the back. A band ae desperados who reek ae piss and drink. Wae their personal hygiene code ae conduct suttin that wid probably ensure entry refusal at the local soup kitchen. Yince masel and Tonto are inside and amongst the casualty’s ae austerity. Ma concentration quickly zooms in oan Jackie. An elderly wifey who looks like she wis celebratin her sweet sixteen when the yin o’cloack gun wis first fired. She’s the wuman behind the bar pullin a pint fur auld Arthur whilst chattin tae him and some ae the other punters. Christ, she’s goat skin like a fuckin crocodile, ken? aw leathery and sun damaged. And when yae consider she’s dolled up wae maire makeup than Ronald MacDonald it makes her aboot as appealin as Hamas at a mitzvah.
Eventually she looks up and sees us approachin. Ah watch her grinnin and starin ‘’The lads are awready in the back office, Aldo’’ she informs me.
‘’Cheers, Darlin’’ ah shout tae her acroass oor the ongoing local bannter and the pumpin jukeboax that’s blastin the words ae Bowie.
Accompanied by Chernobyl ah shuffle ma wey through a couple ae auld timers who are slumped oor their pint. In due course, we reach a single door and yince we’re walkin doon the shoart corridor ah kin catch the distinctive voices ae ma lads. And a set ae double doors which leads intae the office is soon passed through. Pretty boay Nate, is sittin oan a chair in the corner. Firmin up his guns wae a pair ae heavy lookin dumbbells. He’s the first yin tae register oor presence and soon eagerly welcomes us in wae yin ae his famous sarcy comments
‘’Aw, look who it is boays?’’ he says in his confident voice whilst layin the weights oan the flair. ‘’Someboady must owe oor commander and chief some dosh’’.
Ah laugh oaff his dig and in a matter ae seconds Markie and Ryan who are enjoyin a friendly game ae pool stoap in their tracks. Aw attention is oan me as ah sweep acroass tae ma desk at the back. The pair ae thum excitedly rhyme oaff the same phrase ‘’Gid tae see yae, Gaffer’’ They then continue oan pottin baws and ah dissolve intae ma elegant chair that’s completed by a comfortable headrest. As fur ma ain volatile attack dug he swipes a can ae coke fae the fridge and cracks it open. Before restin up oan the two-seater couch at the side. The room is spacey and the wahs are coated in posters ae famous Hibs triumphs and some memorable boaxin highlights. And apart fae the two desks positioned side by side a large shiny safe stands in yin corner.
Markie, whose dressed in yit another designer tracksuit is huddin his pool cue as if he’s aboot tae brek it oor some perr runts heid. Insteed ae that though he decides tae quiz me oan the potential ae his apprentice.
‘’So?’’ he says, noddin in the direction ae Chernobyl. ‘’Howz the lad workin oot?’’
Ah stare straight at ma risin star, cheesin. ‘’Aye, ah see a bright future fur the young man’’.
An endorsement that hus the pup almost blushin. But ma focus swiftly returns oan ma right hand man.
‘’Listen, Markie’’ ah confess as ah lean forward oan the mahogany. ‘’We need tae chat. Pronto’’
He attempts tae pot a baw intae the left hand poacket but rather predictably it rebounds back. Efter the near miss he joins oor conversation efter cursin oot the condition ae the cue rather than his shite skiils wae a stick.
‘’Sure" he says "What’s up?’’
Ah point tae ma lugs and as ah stare back at him ‘’This yins fur your ears only’’
Like some soartae magic trick the other three disappear through tae the bar. And ah’m left tae debrief man mountain oan ma chosen course ae action.
‘’You remember that sick fuck Robert Brodie?’’
Markie looks ready tae choke oan his ain vomit wae the mere mention ae this turd ‘’Fuck me, eh? there’s a name ah never wanted tae hear again. Unless it wis bein read in an obituary. Ah heard what that sack ae shit did tae that young lassie. Afuckin tragedy, yae ask me.’’
Instantly, ah snap ma finger ‘’That’s jist it. Ah hink we should be working oan the cunts eulogy. Ken what ah'm sayin?’’
At first ma number two looks confused and taken aback until eventually he steps forward
‘’Yur talkin aboot? That what yur sayin?’’ he asks
‘’Nah, that’s far too humane. Mean, c’moan, eh? rapin and batterin a wuman? We baith ken fine well that an example’s goat tae be made’’
He pulls up a seat opposite me and continues oan wae oor hert tae hert ‘’Mibbie he’s gone through a midlife crisis, or suttin?’’
Ah’m loast fur words initially efter they apparent brainless words leave his mooth. But ma vocal chords somehow regain consciousness again ‘’Are yae fuckin wae me? A midlife crisis is ridin aboot in a fancy sports car wae a twinty yin year auld blonde stunner oan yur airm. No becomin Edinburgh’s fuckin answer tae Bill Crosby. Are yae furgettin the million and yin other incidents wae this cunt?’’
He’s clearly considerin his answer before respondin and rapidly begins noddin in agreement ‘’Last year, inside the bank he took that boay’s eye oot wae a poacket knife fur takin too long at the machine. Turned oot that perr bastard wis only takin his time cos the hing wis a dud and swallaed his caird. So, who dae yae want tae gee this tae? Could be a perfect opportunity fur the rookie tae pop his cherry?
Ah wave awey his answer like ah’ve jist captured a whiff ae shite in the air ‘’Nah" ah tell him "He’s still too wet behind the ears tae handle this assignment. Ah’m gien the green light tae Sunshine, mate’’
Markies a feared man, likes. Efteraw, this boay hus maire bodies tae his name than Jeffery Dahmer. And wae a tag like ‘maniac’ ah mean, as yae kin nae doot imagine. His levels ae violence kens nae boundaries. So, fur the simple mention ae Sunshine’s name tae bring oot a doonpour ae beads ae sweat tae trickle doon his puss. That surely tells its ain story, eh? Fur Sunshine is a whole different breed ae cat. A real life monster under the bed ae every gangster who operates in Scotland. Fur a time efter leavin the forces he ran security fur a heavyweight cartel in Mexico. Well, that wis until he returned tae his homeland and caught ma attention. But that’s a campfire story fur another day.
‘’Sunshine’s a fuckin demon, Aldo’’ he says as his voice slightly trembles. ‘’That psychopath enjoys killin and torturin a wee bit too much. Even fur the likesae me"
Ah start tidyin some papers intae a neat stack and continue oan fillin him oan the details ‘’Which makes him perfect fur this piece ae work. You’ll ken the right people tae talk tae, eh? Pit the word oot tae save everyboady fae poppin Nurofen like smarties. We’ll soart oot a fake passport and some cash fur him. Make it known the polis are hittin us hard tryin tae find the cunt. That bein said, it’s better fur everyboady that he finds pasteurs new somewhere abroad until the situations cools oaff’.
‘’And what if he passes oan the proposal?’’ gasps Markie.
Ah stare at him and smirk, ‘’You ken these nidroids, Markie? They hink the world ends at Bonnyrigg. A nice clean wey oot, trust me, eh? he’ll grab it wae baith hands and even if he suspects suttin his desperation will git the better ae him. Yince yae git confirmation ae the hand oor. Lit me ken and ah’ll handle the details’’
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