
By Coolhermit
- 416 reads
touring the Gaeltacht
in a clapped-out Morris
I was pretty much lost
but that was fine by me -
I’m one for serendipity
as evening settled,
I pulled up at a crest above
a vacant plain of burned black earth
I spotted a distant glow,
drove towards it
and arrived outside
the shanty sagging walls
of a turf-roof pumpkin cottage,
a faded window-sign, bi-lingual,
‘seomraí ar fáil - rooms available’
the door opened straight away,
a full four feet and inches man
as wide as he was high
stood beaming, ‘fáilte’
the passage walls were lined with shelves
of boxes, bound with string, stretching,
it seemed, to the heart of the Earth
and further
we sat on well-worn leather
wing-chairs in a fire-cosy kitchen
the host’s feet danced just above
the well-worn flag-stone floor
he offered a pipe,
‘Foggy Fox, a silk smooth smoke’
and poured tumblers of Tullamore,
‘heavenly nectar… slàinte mhath’
‘so, what’s in all the boxes?’
‘broken pots, I get sent them, I mend them’
‘you must be busy’
‘I have all the time in the world’
he sipped a second Tullamore
and told how each box
held evidence of misery -
broken promises, broken marriages,
when couples reconcile
he rebuilds the shards with molten gold
and sees the box gets back to them -
a sign that spoiled lives can get better,
‘so be a little kinder in future!’
‘you must have hundreds stored away’
‘more like thousands - give or take’
an exquisite glowing porcelain
in an embrace of golden veins
snatched my breath away
‘that is magical, do you take Visa?
American Express? name your price’
‘my work is beyond price’
‘do you get to mend a lot?’
‘these days? not so many.’
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