By cormacru999
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The land outside Holdfast had changed drastically since Cullen last rode through. The villages were gone, totally destroyed and dark cloud hung over the land where the villages once stood.
Cullen, Tik, Sonia and the three Asrai warriors rode away from the last human outpost at noon, and they were warned to stay off of the main roads if they wanted to avoid the Host at all.
Cullen could see from the forest pretty quickly that strange creatures overran the ruins of the villages already, creeping through the night shadows that dwelled over each area.
Cullen and his friends made it through the forest and reached the mountain within two days of travel, keeping off the roads and sticking to forest paths that many didn’t know about unless you were from the area. Cullen prayed that his father’s farm was well enough away from the village that he lived untouched by the war, but there was no time to check.
The High King had sent soldiers to check on the man, hoping to bring him inside the walls before the last battle took place. Cullen and his friends started up the mountain, hoping that the Host would stay near the cave at the bottom and hadn’t bothered to explore further up at all.
They were pleased to find that they were right and there was no sign of the Host at all along the mountain path that climbed to the top where the Dwarves lived in their fortress.
On the third day of the climb, Cullen was greeted by Roarr, one of the Dwarves he had wrestled during his time in the mountain castle. With a quick gruff greeting, the Dwarf escorted them to the castle in short time, bringing them directly to the King immediately.
“Welcome back young warrior,” Garm said in his rolling tough mountain voice, like boulders crushing together. “We are pleased to see you carrying the Sword again, as you should!”
“I am happy to be back here King Garm,” Cullen answered. “Much and more of the world has changed while I’ve been gone and I need your help to fix things!”
“I see you’re wearing a Horn now as well. Is this the famed Fourth Creation?”
“It is Sire. But I would have your pledge before I use it. It is compelling but I would know that you want to help before I use it.”
“I told you we would follow you boy!” the King growled. “And a Dwarf keeps his word. Blow the damned Horn and summon us to war, we are not afraid.”
Cullen stood before the King in his own throne room where hundreds of Dwarf warriors sat ready to hear the sound of the Horn. Cullen raised it to his lips and blew and the sound bounced around the stone hall, echoing throughout the castle.
Every Dwarf in the room cheered with it and many more Dwarves came rushing in when they heard the sound. Cullen glanced around the room, past his friends as the Dwarves raised their weapons high in the air and shouted war cries.
“We’ll get you to the island and back, you can be sure of that!” the King cried out. “We’ll face the Host first and soften em up for the rest of the Faeries so they can fight them as well as we can!”
Cullen grinned at their enthusiasm and raised his own Sword high with them. The Asrai howled their own war cries and the hall shook with the efforts of the Dwarves to be louder than the one next to them.
They would have one feast before they left, giving them time to gather their strength for the march and the coming battles. There was no way to sneak five hundred battle ready Dwarves through the land without running into a fight. And they had to reach the island and make it back to the castle, all behind enemy lines.
Cullen looked at the combined strength of the Dwarven army and hoped it would be enough.
They reached the bottom of the mountain without incident. They even managed to get around what used to be Boulder village without fighting. But when they reached what used to be Hillside village, they found the road and the forest around it overrun with the Host creatures.
They were unorganized but plentiful and there was no way they could get past them without a fight. So the Dwarves lined up into battalions and Cullen led the march on the village, using the road that ran through the middle.
Spiders and centipedes crawled all over the ruins of houses and other buildings. The large beetle monsters seemed to gather in small groups and the fighters with bones sticking out of their bodies were gathered around the groups of beetle creatures.
Cullen let Sonia fire her Bow into various groups, setting off explosions and chaos while the rest of them ran in to attack. Cullen used the Sword for the first time and marveled at its power as fire and force ripped the air in front of him, knocking down whole groups of monsters at a time.
Beetle shells cracked and horns broke off. Spiders turned over and their legs curled up while centipedes twisted in tight circles and died. The bone fighters reacted quickly, using their claws and sharp bone protrusions to attack the Dwarves behind Cullen, or anything outside of his Shield.
The Wall protected Sonia, Tik and the Asrai, who killed anything that manage to get past the sweeping strokes of the Protector. Most creatures learned quickly that trying to fight Cullen was a losing battle and instead they tried to kill the Dwarves.
The Dwarves had multi-headed axes and hammers and they rolled through the ruined village like farmers through a wheat field, plowing creatures under them with great hewing motions, dwindling the opponents without mercy.
Soon the village was empty of enemies and they could march on again. They formed ranks quickly, following the lead of their King who wasn’t afraid of battle at all, and had run right into the fight from the beginning.
Cullen and his friends, followed by the King and his best warriors, rushed out of the village and headed west towards the coast. They hoped to avoid another battle but assumed positions for defense just in case.
The twins transformed into wolves and ran ahead, scouting the area for the small army while Tris’tan transformed and ran behind to make sure no one was coming after them too quickly.
That night they were attacked. It was deep into the night, with darkness all around except camp fires that had been lit in various places. The Dwarves didn’t camp with tents like the Daoine Sidhe did and many of them were light sleepers, sleeping in their armor, just as Cullen and the others had learned to do.
Sounds of battle reached them as Tris’tan shook them awake, and Cullen raced to the front lines where Dwarves battled black monsters and Dark Fae alike. Cullen’s Sword swept an entire line away, force and fire ripping them off their feet and giving the Dwarves time to retaliate.
There was no way to count the opposing force as they rushed out of the black smoke that seemed to accompany them everywhere they went. The smoke drifted into the camp, hiding the monsters from view. Cullen used the forces of his Sword to wash away the clouds as well, giving his men room and vision in order to fight.
Purple arrows arched into the crowds and formed fiery explosions when they hit. Spiders and scorpions edged away from the flames that cooked whatever creature Sonia skewered with bright arrows of light.
As Cullen fought and killed dark monsters in the night his eyes were suddenly blinded by an arch of lightening that came from within the enemy’s ranks. The lightening blasted forth and struck a Dwarf square in the chest, cooking him instantly and sending his blackened corpse to the ground.
Cullen ran to his side and looked into the boiling army in front of him. Surrounded by creatures dark and terrifying, was a new enemy, tall and imposing, carrying a weapon Cullen had never seen before.
The Dark Fae before him wore a dark mask that looked like a Crow and behind him was another elf that wore the mask of a Fox and he bore two giant knives in his hands somehow. The Crow carried a sword on a staff, and lightening crackled along its black blade. Red runes glowed along the length of the blade that sat perched at the tip of the staff.
“It’s a Champion Cullen. The Crow uses a Naginata and the Fox uses Katar knives. Both look enchanted!” Tris’tan warned him from the side.
“I can see that!” Cullen shouted, wondering what magic the knives held. The two elves advanced on him, circling off to either side. His Shield would protect everyone behind him from even the lightening, but Dwarves were rushing past him into the mass of enemies where his Shield couldn’t reach.
Cullen used the magic of the Shield to push forward, sending the two new Champions back a few paces while he gathered his thoughts. An arrow streaked towards the Crow but he slashed it out of the air and the minor explosion didn’t seem to affect him. The fox ran forward, trying to get closer to Cullen.
Cullen slashed with the Sword, carefully including both enemies with the cut and fire and force swept forward to catch them both. The Fox crossed his guard and the knives accepted the punishment without throwing him back that far. The crow cut his own weapon through the air and lightening met the fire and brightened the air around them all.
Cullen realized that he wouldn’t be able to use the magic to send them back or to even really hurt them. He would have to fight them weapon to weapon, using the skills he had learned in all these months of training to try and fight them off. But it was two on one and he feared that he wouldn’t be able to fight them both.
“I’ll need help Tris’tan!” he called to his side. “Keep the one with the knives off me!”
Tris’tan nodded and ran back to Sonia, urgently telling her some instruction. She nodded and stretched back the enchanted Bow, using Seeker to fire another projection at the Fox, sending him skipping away while Cullen advanced on the Crow.
The Crow twirled his long weapon, spinning it and gathering an electric shock of great proportion as he readied his attack. Cullen tried to cut with his Sword twice, but the Crow skipped back before jumping ahead and smashing his Naginata towards Cullen.
Cullen raised his Shield in time but the blow was accompanied by a terrible shock that swept through Cullen’s arm and into his chest. It blasted him to his one knee and he had to move quickly to escape the followed attack, the blade on the staff slashing where his neck had just been.
He took a few steps back and tried to think about how to deal with the lightening enchantment. If he caught the blows on his Sword, he guessed that the shock wouldn’t be as great and he applied himself to that idea during his next rush.
Sword met Naginata in massive clashes, lightening and fire glaring up at both of them. Cullen hoped that the dark loving elf would be greatly affected by the light but he seemed to shrug it off easily.
Cullen used the Shield to ward off many of the attacks, sending the magic towards his opponent, shoving him off guard repeatedly while he cut with his Sword over and over again. They seemed too well matched, and all of Cullen’s help was fighting either the Fox or other Dark Fae. Dwarves all around him were battling fiercely but none of them could seem to get close enough to help.
Cullen clashed with the Champion for what seemed like forever until suddenly one of Sonia’s arrows flew by very close to his head. He jerked back in alarm and heard he yell an apology and when he turned to see what she was aiming at, he found the Fox was very close and coming fast.
He turned his Shield to protect himself but he wasn’t fast enough. Lightening flashed all around him, the glare blocking his vision and he felt rather than saw one of the Katar blades scratch his ribs on his left side.
He reacted by hammering the Shield down, catching the attack on his side and he ripped his blade across his chest, smashing the Fox backwards across the field. The Crow leaped back and caught the Fox and the two of them suddenly turned and ran off into the night.
Cullen wondered at their sudden flight but he soon realized that the Dwarves had defeated most of the opposition and were surrounding Cullen with blades and hammers. The two Champions would have been outnumbered shortly, so they had gone for one desperate attack and left.
Cullen knew that the cut he received wasn’t even that bad from the force of the blow. So he was surprised when the burning sensation started to cover his entire side and darkness overwhelmed him and he fainted dead away on the field. He saw Tris’tan running towards him as he fell, confused at what was happening to him.
When he woke, he was surrounded by the Asrai, Sonia, Tik and Garm, the Dwarf King. All of them looked dour and worried. Sonia was sitting at his side and holding his hand, which seemed sweaty and hot. He felt tired and clammy all at once, and his head was swimming as he tired to look at everyone around him.
“He wakes!” Sonia cried. Tik quickly reached his other side and Tris’tan looked at him from is feet. They had made a makeshift cot for him and given him some shelter with branches from the day’s sun.
“What is wrong with me?” Cullen asked in a weak, shaky voice. He knew he was terribly sick just from how he felt, but he couldn’t understand when he had gotten so ill.
“The blade you were struck with was enchanted Cullen,” Tris’tan explained slowly. “We believe it was poisoned somehow magically. The wound is small but terrible infected and you are very sick.”
“I feel awful,” he admitted. “But we must keep moving. Maybe the Selkies can help. Make a litter and drag me if you have to, but we must keep moving!”
Sonia brushed his forehead with a wet cloth and winced at his pain. She looked at Tik and Tris’tan with such fear in her eyes that Cullen worried more for her than for himself.
“Please, listen to me. We must keep going. I have to blow the Horn for the Sea elves. Get me there. Manawyddan can help, I’m sure of it!”
Sonia stayed by his side, but Tik and the Asrai worked quickly to make a litter that the horse could tow behind it. Within a few hours they were on their way, Sonia and Tik riding close behind and the Asrai running alongside.
Cullen didn’t feel much physical pain, but he was deathly ill from whatever the weapon had done to him, he could feel the poison throughout his body. He shook and sweated terribly and he faded in and out of consciousness.
The journey to the coast was terrible for Cullen. He ached all over, was sweating profusely but felt cold as ice. He couldn’t eat, couldn’t sleep and the pain in his side was excruciating. Sonia and Tik were worried the whole way.
There was one skirmish with the Host near Many Farms, which was also destroyed by the Dark Fae. Cullen felt grateful that the King allowed the Rom to stay inside the walls or they would have all died too.
Sonia fought hard to keep the Host away from Cullen and Cullen used the Shield while lying down for the few wounded they had. The two Champions were seen but they didn’t fight, as if they were waiting for Cullen to perish first.
The village on the coast was untouched and filled with refugees. People from surrounding villages had all come there, hoping to find a place to stay without being attacked. Cullen believed that the nearness of the Selkie Island probably saved the man people that stopped there at Ship’s Landing.
The local Baron agreed to ship Cullen to the island, since the five hundred Dwarves would protect the town while he was away. Cullen swore to have more protection come soon from both the Faeries on the island and then the soldiers of the Kingsguard.
Sonia, Tik and the Asrai went with Cullen to the island and the Asrai twins carried him into the palace below the island. It was there that Seithenin met them finally, where Cullen stood barely, waiting for her to meet with him.
“You look terrible boy,” she said when she finally saw him.
“I feel worse,” he replied with a shaky voice. “I’m hoping the Sea God can help. And I’ve come to ask you to join the fight.”
“We saw the Dwarves on the shore. Have the rest of the Daoine Sidhe come too?” she asked pointedly.
“They have,” he said, sounding a little stronger. “If you can make me well, I shall blow the Horn for you as well and you can join the army, if the Merrows can walk on land.”
“They can with the right enchantment. Manawyddan will give them legs to walk on the shore. Go to him now and see if he can help,” she urged, since he looked like he would fall down any minute.
She led them to the other room where the Sea God usually appeared as a ball of water from the sea. This time they found a elven figure to meet them. He was tall with broad shoulders. Cullen supposed if you could have any form, you would choose the best looking one.
The elf that was a God sat on the border wall that held the pool of sea water from which he usually came. His skin was sea green and blue, and he looked almost liquid and wet. His hair was light green and flowed down his back as though he had just stepped free of the water. His eyes were slate gray and looked right through Cullen, who stood between the twins.
“YOU LOOK ILL CHOSEN ONE. WERE YOU HURT?” The God asked in his voice of a thousand waves.
“I was attacked with a cursed weapon. The wound is light but there is a sickness in me. Can you help?” Cullen asked, as humbly as possible.
“I understand. I will be more careful the next time. I’ve come with the Fourth Creation. Come to blow the Horn and ask you to war. Your brother has answered the call. Will you?”
“LET’S HEAL YOU FIRST AND THEN WE SHALL SEE.” The God reached out and took Cullen’s head in his hands. Cullen felt the power in that grip and wondered at that power released in war. It seemed with Cernunnous and his brother, they would have a fighting chance against the hordes of the Host.
The Sea God gripped Cullen’s head and put one hand over Cullen’s mouth and released sea water into his mouth, chocking him with the force of the water.
Cullen tried to relax but it was difficult to let the water rush down his throat without flinching. His body shook and trembled beneath the grip of the water God and he felt his limbs fall to the side as the water slowly drowned him.
Just as the room started to go dark and Cullen thought he would actually die, the God switched his grip and held him by the scruff of his neck over the pool of water. All the water that went in rushed out of Cullen’s mouth and nose as he regurgitated all the seawater back out.
Manawyddan dropped him to the floor and let him retch over the pool of water until it was all out. Sonia and Tik looked on in worry but Cullen felt much better as he stood again. He felt clean and rejuvenated. It had been an awful experience but it worked and the sea water has washed away all his sickness.
“Thank you,” he coughed as he stood again. “I feel better again. The wound doesn’t hurt as much.”
“And now I will use the Horn and you must decided.”
Cullen took a deep breath and then blew into the Horn, letting the deep sound carry through the halls of the palace and reverberate into the surrounding water. Sound carries farther in water and Cullen could see out of the glass windows the groups of Merrows and Mermaids that surrounded the palace with spears and tridents.
Cullen nodded and was grateful to hear that the God would join them. He turned to thank his friends again for their help while he was incapacitated, and now he showed them that he felt good again.
Followed by Manawyddan, Cullen brought the others into the main hall of the palace again to meet with the Selkie Queen. She had a fire in her eyes now after hearing the Horn and it was clear she would join them eagerly.
She introduced Cullen to other powerful Selkies as well as some chieftains of the Merrows that would lead their forces and the group of them went back out to the ship. Cullen reassured the Baron that Merrow forces would guard the village while they were gone and after sending the rest by sea towards Holdfast castle, the rest of them rejoined the Dwarves and started home.
Cullen had finally gathered all the elves together again and he would lead them into battle with their ancient enemies, the Host. Cullen could feel the Champions with their enchanted weapons and still Vlad was out there somewhere waiting for his moment.
Cullen drew his Sword again and felt its power coursing through the blade. He hefted the Shield and felts its power and he hoped it would be enough to fight off the magic of the Host’s Champions. But with his friends behind him and all of the King’s soldiers, with all of the elves fighting together, he believed they had a chance.
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A very good description of
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With his wound now healed,
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