Alfred Muggins’ Easter Holiday by Alfred N.Muggins Part 2

By David Kirtley
- 592 reads
(31/3/24 / 6/4/24 / 15/4/24)
The Easter weekend this year also coincided with Changing of the Clocks as the hour leapt forward, evaporating a whole hour of much needed sleep, just before Alfred’s heaviest of the week Sunday morning (and all day) shift, yet another coincidence, denying him any enjoyment of the traditional day of contemplation and concern! There was a Destruction of, in Alfred’s humble opinion, of a prized family Asset by Mrs Muggins (which he would probably best not be mentioned, or at least not in detail), and his brief meeting with a homeless guy sat next to the step at the petrol station when he went in to pay for his tank of petrol! Like St Peter ‘the rock’ denying he knew Christ when he suffered on the cross, he refused to acknowledge the homeless guy, who must have read the huge letters MUGGINS, which must be written on his forehead. He felt immediately guilty, but why was it his job to be generous to a homeless person who obviously hadn’t got their act together in life, (any more than he himself had!) At least it brought a tear of concern to his eyes, when he considered the significance of the time of year. The world was not becoming a better place, or a more comfortable place, for those who resided in it was it?
They (not just the homeless, but family members of all descriptions, his wife, and the lodger, and even his favourite pets, the dog and the cat. They all knew perfectly well that he was the perfect MUGGINS, servant and provider extraordinaire! They all followed him, not into Jerusalem, so to speak, thinking he was a bank! At least he felt a bit like St.Francis, or the man with the cash, who never spent it himself, but despite being mean and complaining, was able to let it go without hanging on to it.
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In Bulgaria (and in all countries that follow Eastern Orthodox Christianity) Easter fell on the first weekend in May this year so we were virtually guaranteed hot sunny days. Local boys Saints Cyril and Methodius like it that way.
Please tell Alfred that I've given his homeless man's details to a local estate agent.
Всичко добро!
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yes the world does seem
yes the world does seem crueler. maybe that's because I get older, I notice more.
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"..perfect MUGGINS, servant
"..perfect MUGGINS, servant and provider extraordinaire!" Well yes although he has missed a closed bracket in that paragraph which shows how distracted he must be. The resumption of Alfred's roving reports will suggest all is well with the world again..
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