Is Britain About To Have Its Own Revolution? Asks Alfred N.Muggins

By David Kirtley
- 600 reads
Amazingly there seemed to be more revolutionary activity going on in Britain than in France just at the moment, as right wing protesters had chosen to demonstrate, often violently about the high levels of (illegal?) immigration currently coming into that land of supposed plenty and beautiful lifestyles, the contented happy state of the United Kingdom, which had just a few weeks ago managed to free itself electorally from the vicious business interest controlled and specifically landlord controlled Tory Government, which had been forgetting to rule in the interests of the bulk of its populations in recent years, preferring to shift wealth towards the parasitic landlord and energy company shareholding and directoring classes.
A new Labour run government had been elected with a good majority, so things were hopefully about to change for the better. But would they be willing to get to the crux of the matter and actually take on the landlords, including the foreign owned property companies, and the big energy suppliers, and others, who were withdrawing so much of the earnings of the actual working population from their pockets and bank accounts, or would they hold back and actually change nothing at all so the quality of life could continue to deteriorate for most people?
It all depended really, according to Alfred on how many balls the new Labour Party actually had, or whether they had any at all? There had been a lot of inflation in recent years much of it had obviously been a cashing in by uncompetitive, possibly monopoly and in practice cartel run big businesses, who knew they could get away with big price hikes and call it inflation! The truth of the matter in many cases was that the reported profits of many of these companies was high, suggesting they were not actually being subjected to much competition at all, and were just enjoying putting prices up and making higher profits off consumers.
Alfred didn’t really know why so many people wanted to risk all to come to this socio-economically ravaged nation, but what it did suggest was that everything must be pretty bad in all those foreign countries where immigrants came from if they thought the ravaged UK was worth coming to.
Anyway some of the (presumably less educated locals?) were behaving very badly, attacking migrant hotels, frightening people, attacking and injuring the longsuffering police, and smashing a few shops (and looting?) and cars up. None of this behavior would actually achieve much, although perhaps they thought the new Labour government might listen to them and actually come up with new plans to stop or reduce illegal migration.
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Alfred Muggins is right but
Alfred Muggins is right but not right wing.
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Some interesting thoughts
Some interesting thoughts from Alfred.
Yes, challenges aplenty for the new government.
I think I saw that Starmer is giving a speech next week talking about a 'societal black hole' to be sorted - another legacy inherited from the previous government. Not sure how long blaming the previous administration will have any credence but it looks like it will be used a lever for a while yet.
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