The Coronation Of Charles III, the ‘Green’ King by Alfred N.Muggins Part 2

By David Kirtley
- 507 reads
Part 2
Alfred said, “I know what. Let us sip a cup of tea in honour of the King, at the time of Coronation!” Unfortunately so riveting was the service and the Coronation that, despite Mrs Muggins boiling the kettle, there was just no time for Alfred to make the promised (sacred?) cup of tea, until the main action of the Coronation was over! They were both sat resplendent in their dressing gowns (robes!) after both unusually being able to have a lie in on the same day, as luck would have it on the day of the King’s Coronation! As soon as Alfred had come downstairs, not wanting to miss the great national, and international, event, he had of course made himself and his wife a cup of tea and himself some cereal and a banana for breakfast, but by now they were very ready for their next one!
Earlier, the King’s carriage journeyed to Westminster Abbey, accompanied by the Household Cavalry and the Horseguards (Red and Blue?) in fine uniforms and breastplates, ready to attack any who threatened the King (such as Russian fifth columnists and spies, who thankfully never materialized!). Mrs Muggins’ first in line son, who lived with them, had declared the night before that he would be treating this as a ‘normal’ Saturday, and that he and Teenage Grandson, who usually stayed with them on a Friday Night, would be exploring the Kingdom of England further as usual. This time they intended to go to York (the Viking stronghold!) to get away from the Coronation. He said the media had been celebrating the Coronation all week so far, and he was getting a bit tired of it, despite having won a Coronation Union Jack Pillow in the Bingo at his Day Centre the day before, and being photographed wearing a union Jack top hat, after eating Coronation buns at the Coronation Party, and looking very happy at the time! He made it quite clear that as far as he was concerned the Coronation had already happened and he had no interest in seeing any more of it, or letting it interrupt his normal routine any further. It appeared that Teenage Grandson was of similar mind! They were not going to stay in and watch TV all day, of pomp and ceremony in distant London. Despite Mrs Muggins’ bitter protestations, saying they were missing the memories of a lifetime, and they would ‘regret it’! the two ‘traitors’ crept out of the House as quickly as possible, by the side entrances on their way to (Viking?) York. Following the grand tradition of second sons, Mrs Muggins’ firstborn sneaked out of the ‘Muggins’ Palace’ (the Muggins’ home). Mrs Muggins would have to review her son’s and Teenage Grandson’s inheritances in the light of this disloyal behavior!
Even Prince Harry himself (the current black sheep of the Royal Family!) had the decency to turn up to his father’s Coronation, presumably wishing to ingratiate himself with his erstwhile father and his brother, but thankfully having left his wife back in California with the kids and her many lawyers and hangers on, where they could do no further harm to the Monarchy at this time!
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It was good that the Russian
It was good that the Russian Fifth Columnists and spies didn't materialise. I hope Mrs Muggins has it in her heart to forgive her son and grandson. It seems a tad harsh to mitigate their respective inheritances. York (the Viking stronghold) is the kind of place the Muggins's would advocate under normal circumstances, after all :)
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