Russian Propaganda! by Alfred N(azi?) Muggins

By David Kirtley
- 740 reads
Take it with a pinch of salt,
don’t believe any of it,
cause it could really screw your head up!
Make you think everything you ever knew before was actually a lie!
Oh they have special information!
Stuff that the western leaders and their corrupt medias don’t want you to know,
And are keeping from you!
No the free press is far less to be trusted than the state media organisation of Russia.
Their one remaining mouthpiece is apparently the right one,
It’s apparently the only one you can trust!
Of course the West, it’s all ruled by money!
And behind the big corporate interests,
all they want to do is sell you, or any state, or mercenary group, as many expensive weapons as they possibly can.
In holy Russia of course it’s not like that.
The so called gangsters who really run the country are actually benign figures who care more for Mother Russia than anyone else!
Trust in them and they will steer you safely through the tangles of the modern western indoctrination of the pro NATO, pro ‘liberal’ media.
Ukraine is a hotbed of Fascism as it was when some of them rose against kind Father Stalin in the second world war.
They are still Nazi’s to this day, even though years of Communist re-education should have persuaded them otherwise.
Even their leader Zelensky is a fascist apparently, despite being also Jewish and having lost family members to Adolf in the holocaust!
But that didn’t put him off being a western, NATO advocating Nazi apparently.
They were trying to undermine the Russian state, and place NATO’s nuclear weapons upon fair Ukrainian soil, just next to the border with Mother Russia.
Oh and before they forget to tell you, there were biological laboratories in Ukraine, paid for by America, just waiting to be spilled on Russian soil.
So what was the answer then?
The answer was logically a limited incursion into Ukraine,
Just to close down those labs, and teach the fascists a bit of a lesson!
And by the way the people of Ukraine, particularly the Russian speaking ones, had their opportunity to reenter the Russian sphere of fraternity and economic sharing.
Unfortunately though a few (quite a lot actually!) of those crazed western paid Nazis forced the Ukrainian soldiers and citizens to turn on their Russian brothers as soon as they set foot across the border.
Sadly some of our Russian soldiers even died at their hands, and all they were doing was protecting Russia from NATO and Ukraine from itself!
And so we will avenge our fallen heroes, and lay waste to the homes of the Ukrainian and the Russian speakers.
That will teach them not to meet our tanks with flowers to present to our heroic young conscripts and our experienced generals.
If they want to be in the West they can flee to it but they will have to run, because time is running out, before we raze the whole so called nation to the ground.
If you want to live in the West then go, cross that border, we don’t need you any more.
You are free to go! We will not restrain you. Just don’t be western here.
We’re closing the borders and taking Mother Russia, with its rightful Ukraine back to the twentieth century.
There will be a new curtain which will keep the Nazis out and the reformed Soviet citizens in.
It’s going to be kind of Back From The Future To The Past, although we will call it the Future.
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I think Putin miscaluculated
I think Putin miscaluculated. He'll never admit it, of course. Too many western politicians bought and paid for, including Ukrainians (Gasprom deal).
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The Iron Curtain is
The Iron Curtain is definitely going back up again (if it was ever down)
[Should that read "They are still Nazis"?]
More fascinating thoughts from Alfred M. Paul
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