The State Of The Nation (A New Star Prime Minister Has Arrived!) by Alfred N.Muggins (political and social commentator!)

By David Kirtley
- 1947 reads
The new Prime Minister Liz Truss has purportedly done a plan for dealing with the Cost Of Living Crisis and Growing and Incentivising the British economy! Frankly it looked like a few scribbles in different coloured crayons on a facebook meme which he saw, (and shared!). Alfred immediately recognized, with great foresight, that the purple scribbles were probably the economic growth to come, as her enlightened marketization policies reached their fantastical fruition. The red crayon scribbles were particularly voluminous and Alfred quickly surmised that these must be the copious amounts of hot air included in the plans. (He recognized inventiveness, because he himself possessed a great deal of it too, although he wasn’t trying to run a country or economy, but merely to create and publish a number of novels, short and long, a few chronicles and a few books made up of short, and even if he said it himself, rather witty pieces of historical and social comment interspersed with a grounding in the realities of the times and of life in the Muggins household!)
The precocious and bubbly new Prime Ministeress Liz seemed to be up for everything, Growth, Tax Cuts, Assisting the War against Putin’s fascism in Ukraine, encouraging green energy sources by allowing the Big Energy companies to run off with billions of profits for investing just such a purpose (we hope!!), obliging lazy part time workers and the semi retired to start work again, in order to meet the increased costs of energy and fuel (and even food!), giving the former a helping hand (back into full and overtime work) by potentially slashing their benefits even further, while paying out billions in government money, while playing the supreme balancing act by cutting taxes at the same time, meeting every head of state upon the planet, except outlaw Putin, and his sidekick the Dicktator of Belarus, of course! (Not a complete list, Alfred was sure. Please feel free to fill in the gaps for him!)
She seemed to be off to a flying start! Go Liz Go! He for one had his fingers crossed, and hoped there would be no accidents and mistakes on the way. At least she was trying, and she was trying to blow the economic bubble up, rather than let it down with a quick crash into an almost immediate catastrophic recession, which would almost certainly be the case if she didn’t spend (and borrow!) lots of government (taxpayers’!) money!
(PS. Alfred is seriously considering including the vivacious new Prime Minister on his potential ideal 6 wives list (which he has previously outlined in his earlier writings) if only he could have six Queens to rule the country, as a Henry VIII style King. He was quite sure she would make a great Queen, in another life, even though she had plenty to deal with right now, in the here and now, as Prime Minister!)
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makes sense for the party of
makes sense for the party of the rich to reward the rich for being rich.
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"and upset large sections of
"and upset large sections of the population (I presume?)"
I thought that, too, but from what I heard on the news, everyone (not economists or labour/libdem etc) thinks she's great. I think we might be heading for austerity like they went through in Greece and Ireland to pay back all the money she's giving people who can afford to evade taxes, instead of helping those who can't afford to pay them
Apparently there was a budget in 1972, in the same economic circumstances, which made the same sorts of changes to stimulate "growth" - it did the opposite and was universally recognised as the worst budget in the last 70 years...
Even if it was a good idea, how could it work when the banks OF ALL RICH NATIONS, including UK, are raising interest rates in an attempt to stop borrowing/other people's investment? Will she blame the world for not playing the game how she wants?
Poorer people who have credit card debt, or those with mortgages are going to suffer for this experiment.
If the extra money swilling around from furlough was even a tiny bit behind current inflation, how on Earth can giving even more money to those who don't really need it, make inflation go down?
I'm sorry David, having a rant at Alfred's expense! I wish I had his amused detachment :0)
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am not sure they want to hear
am not sure they want to hear what civil servants think though - wasn't one of the first things the new chancellor did, to sack the top official in the finance ministry? Let alone public :0)
If economics is like weather, this is like the meteor that caused the climate change that caused the mass extinction! What will emerge at the end I wonder, when all the ashes clear
- Log in to post comments's all kamikaze stuff's all kamikaze stuff. The first moves of the new chancellor does seem to scream "trickle down economics" which, as we already know, doesn't/don't work. We are all party to a huge casino-style gamble with the country's finances. Strap yourselves in....including Alfred and Mrs Muggins!
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