Yippee!! : Mrs Muggins Gets Officially Rolled Out At Last

By David Kirtley
Fri, 19 Feb 2021
- 819 reads
- Meaning : She has been officially invited by the NHS to book an appointment for a covid vaccination. Predictably she was straight on the phone, because Mrs Muggins does not hang about! She quickly engineered a legitimate appointment, fairly locally for Thursday. (If anybody in the UK is not clear : to be rolled out is to have the vaccination, or to put it another way the vaccination programme is being rolled out across the whole country as fast as possible and she is now eligible for a jab (or injection))
- Alfred was nearly as pleased as Mrs Muggins, more joy which they could happily share together. As in everything she was better at expressing it than he was. She beamed with pleasure and immediately rang her daughter and her sister to share the good news.
- It had been a great worry because it just seemed that everyone else was getting the jab before her (Alfred had already had his nearly two weeks before, due to his day job requiring it), and it had looked as if she would have to wait according to age. As she kept saying to all and sundry (in the hope of getting herself up the ladder of priority) she wasn’t far off sixty, even though in truth she still had a year or two to go, and she had plenty of past health concerns which might just get her a bit quicker up that ladder of priority. She did not want to be one of the last people in England (or the UK) waiting for the vaccine and then catching it at the eleventh hour.
- And another thing : amazingly the day she heard that she was going to be rolled out (or perhaps more properly the vaccine was going to be rolled out) was actually pancake day! Now isn’t that quite amazing! And she immediately began to celebrate by starting to work on making the pancakes, or should I say ‘rolling out the pancakes’, despite the diet that she and her son who lived with them had embarked upon recently. They would have the day off in celebration. On realising they were going to get their pancakes after all, and the vaccination for Mrs Muggins, the whole household erupted in pleasure and satisfaction. It all went to show just how infectious good news is!!
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shit, I missed pancake day.
shit, I missed pancake day.
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