radical treatments
By delapruch
- 226 reads
haven’t all cures in the making
for the ailments which once did
us humans in,
been considered
“radical treatments” or
elemental hogwash,
prior to their ability to heal the
sick &
go down in history as yet
another small step for all of us
still ticking away “healthily?”
how many lab mice & lab rats
can get annihilated before that
first human steps up to be
the guinea pig &
just what does it take to get to
such a point?
as everyone’s body chemistry is
different &
there isn’t a wonder drug for anyone
to keep them alive indefinitely (yet),
then it would seem that anything
which stops the pain,
does so radically,
setting off a new revolution in the
body, insisting
that one must go on &
anyone who gets in the way of
such groundbreaking attempts at
is more a blockade to our general
progress as a species,
than any one person who may die
as a result of wanting to stay alive &
not give up.
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