
By drkevin
- 642 reads
I seem to remember one book where the whole cosmos could be explained with a single word. It's not quite the same for me, but 'tripping' seems to have a special resonance at the moment. The world appears increasingly surreal and unfamiliar, with many old norms turned on their heads, laughing gayly at the old farts who stand by in powerless consternation. At the same time, I stand watchful in a seaside resort, where the ebb and flow of day trippers appears to echo the tides themselves, each wave an erosion of the days that are left, and the world I once knew.
Last, but not least, my apparent peer group are themselves physical trippers, unsteady on their feet, bristling with sticks and limps, seemingly only one false step away from broken hips, and the spiralling deterioration that so often follows. Yes, where once I rode the four winds of psychedelic experience, I now tentatively skirt potholed pavements and raised kerbs with all the courage of a mouse in purgatory.
Trip the light fantastic.
Remember that one?
Maybe not.
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Great well chosen words, and
Great well chosen words, and quite an amusing view of the seaside resort! I hope you manage to avoid a fall too!
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Now in my seventies and
Now in my seventies and doddering around after having a few trips and falls. needing yet another hip replacement, I can so relate to your writing. The trial of old age and onslaught of medical conditions are tough to swallow, but like you I have my happy memories of the psychedelic times of the 60s and early 70s, those great times when all i had to worry about was how I would get to the next party, or live band, or music festival.
Stirring writing.
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These days tripping
These days tripping is only for the rich and old, and the young and desperate.
All the best & Nolan
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