By elly_wall
- 673 reads
Dave fiddled with his tie for the tenth time in the last five
minutes.He stood in front of the mirror and tried to pick faults at his
reflection.Did his hair look right? Was he suitably dressed? Maybe he
should change again? Perhaps the suit and tie were a bit much.Would he
look better in jeans? No, it had to be the suit. He remembered what his
old headmistress used to say, "Always remember, make your first
impression a lasting impression." He smiled to himself,picked up his
half empty cup of coffee, "Here's to you Mrs Macready.And first
impresions." He rinsed his cup in the sink."Well, time to go I
suppose," Dave said to himself.He'd better hurry, he didn't want to be
late.That would never do. And so he took one final look in the mirror,
straightened his tie,and gave his hair one final comb.Feeling
reasonably satisfied, he turned off the lights and left.
The cold night air hit him as he stepped outside.He checked his
watch.It was a five minute walk to the bus-stop,and the bus wasn't due
for twenty minutes. He contemplated going to The Crown for a little
dutch courage,but then thought better of it.He didn't want to turn up
reeking of drink.What would she think of him then? So he dug his hands
deep into his pocket,and started the slow walk to the bus-stop.
He started wondering what she would say to him first. Would she be
disappointed in what she saw? Maybe she might expect someone better
looking or more intellectual. And what would HE say to HER? God, he
hoped she liked him.His palms started to sweat as he thought about that
first meeting. What if he made a fool of himself? It was important he
remain calm and collected so that later on he could recall everything
about her. How she looked,how she sounded, what kind of person she
really was?
Shivering slightly, Dave looked towards the sky and felt a drop of rain
fall on to his face. "That's just great," he thought, "now I'll look
like a drowned rat when I get there." He turned up the collar of his
coat and waited for the onslaught of rain to cascade down his back and
soak him to the skin.
By the time the bus came Dave was indeed looking like the proverbial
rodent! He clambered onto the bus and sat at the back. He sat down
slowly, hardly able to bend his knees, they were so wet and stiff. He
was glad there were only a couple of people on the bus,he must look a
sight. His hair was dripping little droplets of rain onto his shoulders
every few seconds, and his trousers were soaking. Watching the steam
rising from his clothes suddenly reminded Dave of when he and his best
friend Mark were about eleven years old. It had been a long,hot summer
and Dave had dared Mark to sneak an egg out of his mothers fridge,and
try to fry it on the pavement outside his house. They had both watched
in amazement as the egg started to sizzle and steam. Rather like his
trousers at the moment! Dave smiled to himself as he thought about
Mark. Who would have thought that such a kind,gentle boy would have
chosen the army as his profession? And who'd have thought that such a
kind,gentle boy would never come home again? Dave swallowed
quickly."Pull yourself together man," he scolded himself. What would
SHE think if he turned up not only looking like a damp kitchen mop,but
depressed and melancholy into the bargain. But try as he might he
couldnt stop his thoughts from returning to the day he'd had the phone
call from Marks father. Mark had been killed in Bosnia.He was only
nineteen when he died helping children escape from that battle scarred
place. Dave shivered as he thought back to Marks funeral.He never
expected so many people to be there. But then again Mark had been a
lovely lad.He had been like a brother to Dave. And Marks parents were
very close to Dave as well. In fact lately, Marks mother had become a
little disconcerting. She had started to call Dave Mark,and kept asking
him if he remembered this or that when he had been younger.At first
Dave hadnt minded too much, after all Mark had been their only child.He
could understand that Marks mother was still grieving for her son. A
mothers love was supposed to be the strongest bond that ever existed.
And so he had started making excuses not to visit Marks home. He felt a
little guilty,but he reasoned it was for the best. Especially
Dave's thoughts were interrupted just then when three young girls got
on the bus. They were laughing and talking loudly. One of them looked
at Dave and smiled slyly.Dave turned away, his face beginning to flame.
He'd never been very confident around girls,he never seemed to say the
right things,or even worse,he'd clam up and stand there squirming. Dave
gazed out of the window. It looked like it had stopped raining at last.
He tried to make out his reflection in the rain-spotted glass. His hair
was still wet and his clothes felt a little damp,but overall he felt
quite good. As his stop came into view , he got up slowly,his damp
knees creaking,and he walked down the bus. He glanced quickly at the
three young girls as he went past,and six eyes bored right through
him.He hurriedly got off the bus and began the ten minute walk to the
cafe. It wasn't the kind of place HE would have chosen to meet,but then
it had been HER choice.
At last he arrived at his destination.Before he went through the
door,he took out his comb and combed his wet hair as best he could.
Then he entered the cafe. He looked around him quickly,his eyes
shifting from left to right. There were three teenage lads at the far
table on the right,an elderly couple sat in the centre of the room,and
a young courting twosome sat in the left hand corner. Dave went up to
the counter and ordered a cup of coffee.As he turned to sit down the
young couple got up and left, so Dave sat in their seat. He looked at
his watch.It was five to eight.Five minutes to go. Dave stirred his
coffee absentmindedly,his eyes scanning the door every few seconds.
Maybe she wouldnt turn up. The weather wasnt very pleasant tonight,or
maybe she had changed her mind about meeting him. Two cups of coffee
later Dave began to feel a little down-hearted. She had arranged to
meet him at eight o'clock when she had phoned that morning.It was now a
quarter to nine. "I'll give her another ten minutes,then I'm going
home," thought Dave.
Suddenly the door opened slowly. And there she was. Dave just knew it
was her. He didnt know how, something inside told him instinctively
that this was her. He could hardly take his eyes off her all night.They
talked incessantly,barely stopping to catch their breath. They spoke of
his life,her life,in fact everything under the sun! It was as if Dave
had known her all his life. Finally at ten thirty the owner of the cafe
asked them if they minded leaving now as he had to close up. Dave
looked around and realised that they were the only people left in the
cafe. He had been so engrossed with her that he hadn't noticed
any-thing or any-one else.
When they stepped outside the cafe, she asked him if he minded calling
her a taxi, which he did from the kiosk across the road. The cab
arrived ten minutes later and Dave promised he'd keep in touch. He
shouted goodbye as she got into the taxi. Dave waved shyly,then put his
hand to his face and realised he was crying. As the taxi disappeared
from view, he waved a final farewell, and whispered, "Goodbye.
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